
I don't mean to be a downer, but these people will die one day.

It's funny to see a story like this one directly after the selfie loathing one. Do you think that the presence of so many celebrities on Instagram might one day reduce the value of pap shots like these?

So was I. I kind of meant that learning to get off in two minutes can help you to get off in two minutes with a partner, whether there is a P in your V or not.

I disagree - the female orgasm doesn't have to mean the end of intercourse the way a man's does. I mean, it can, everything is extremely sensitive afterwards, and sometimes you just feel like going to sleep. But you can get your needs taken care of and then move on to what your partner likes. Or both of you can get

Meanwhile, Pizza Hut's entry for most disturbing/ridiculous crust is an entire cheese injected sausage.

I am vegan and the only chocolate bar I really miss is the Crunchie. Yay for the chocolate bars of British Colonies!

Dark chocolate eaters are eating that too, just with a lot more cocoa powder added.

So Twix is number one. Does that mean you'll get a Twix double coffin made up, just like Karl's?

Yet Hell seem to think their rabbits are wild caught from Otago and Canterbury. So they must have got a license? But we all know this fucking stunt has nothing to do with conservation, and everything to do with Easter themed marketing.

I don't think they're using the whole animal if they got the pelts from a tannery. We can't assume they are the same individual rabbits which provided the meat.

Yes, they are native to Australia and protected there. Over here in NZ they are a pest. Just one of the many issues we don't see eye to eye on.

New Zealander, vegetarian and conservationist here - am I supposed to believe that the pizza is made from wild caught rabbits and is therefore helping our ecosystem? If so when do we get a possum pizza? Or a cat one? Or a human one?

Subway make a flatbread pizza now? This is the real news here

I have a dog "instead of" a baby. Not because I want a baby, mind, I want a dog. I do not want a baby. My mother always told me "If you want to have kids, get a dog." I never knew what to do with that advice because I never wanted the kids, just the dog.

I have the same fears about being vulnerable and showing my body to someone new - I've only ever been with my ex. But I am also beginning to accept that despite my ex's ability to move on in this way more or less immediately, that is a long way off in the future for me. I have a lot of other stuff to sort out first,

Much cake and wine to you friend, though if you are anything like me, you won't really be able to stomach either at the moment. Wow, 11 years is a really long time. A lot of the relationship advice I see on the internet refers to couples who broke up after maybe 3 or 4 years, and although that would be heart breaking

"advertisements that equate happiness with thinness and, by default, obesity with misery"

Speaking as a white person, I thought the pubic hair of ALL people tended to be thicker, coarser and kinkier than the hair upon their heads.

I needed to hear this. Thank you.

Wow. Just wow. I too have been through a breakup this week (not sure I could call it a conscious uncoupling with a straight face) and we were together for about as long as these two. If that's not the universe's way of telling me that this shit happens to everybody, then... it's just a major coincidence. But still