My takeaway from this is that the poor guy has a 50 minute commute. And that's when the cat is carrying him.
My takeaway from this is that the poor guy has a 50 minute commute. And that's when the cat is carrying him.
Somehow they are stupider when bigger.
Also: point to microwaves - I have never once left the house wondering if I have left one on.
My Cat From Hell - Portlandia edition. My two Netflix favourites are going to have a mash up!!
Wow, dat mosh tho. Get this kid some metal, stat.
Well, then it wasn't the most important decade of your life, was it? With any luck you'll have a spectacular decade very soon.
Translation of the barking in the background: "See???? What did I fucking tell you?! That shit under the sink is bad news!"
As long as the song is NOT about what bitches be wearing to the supermarket, then it's aaaaaaaaalll good.
SIX PERCENT? I don't like those odds... :(
Why do we even need gendered bathrooms? I honestly am asking because I can't think of a reason that would explain their total and under ubiquity in public spheres. It is to prevent rape? Cus it seems to me it happens anyway - is it really preventing anything? Is it because men's bathrooms are such disgusting hovels…
I just read the "Not that any of you should care about my opinion" bit and went "Yup!"
Yes you certainly win some lose some. I used to be skinny with no boobs and probably still think of myself as flat chested. I am currently overweight but finally have a C cup, and I think one of the things that held me back from attempting to lose weight is the thought I would probably lose my new found bosom first.…
This. I wish I'd been as damn cool as this kid when I was his age. He has several decades on me in that department that's for sure. I made the point on the Gawker version that hiding his hobbies won't spare him from being bullied - I tried that tactic and was bullied anyway. Bullies find a reason - you don't have to…
Just came to say: I got slapped on the school bus too. Solidarity. And somehow I was the one with the face burning with shame (and pain!) rather than the horrible girl who inflicted violence on me. High School sucks. Especially on the bus.
What, no love for my good friend cider?
Pretty sure sex in a limousine glorifies itself.
Hopefully the mother can get a nice sleep, get well rested and then have the kid back. She totally needs to see the silver lining here - SLEEP.
"Linda listen" was the only bit I understood! The rest was almost entirely gibberish!
A frenemy of mine told me this when I was thin back in high school. How dare I be so cocky and thin? Body shaming is ugly no matter who it's directed at.
My favourite line is "However, chocolate."