Your attitude is unattractive.
Your attitude is unattractive.
I didn't say guarantee, I just meant that when biological significance is 95%, then 94% is pretty good uptake. Statistically speaking, that's "everyone".
I had this same idea several years ago and then... Fukushima. Cat island is reasonably close by. :(
Presuming that every other kid who isn't exempt actually gets the vaccines, then I see this as a win. Bar a handful of States, you're getting a full 94% of kids vaccinated, right? Herd immunity will be pretty strong with this kind of uptake. As long as the number of anti-vaccine nutcases stays pretty low I don't see…
Besides not making actual sense, this idea is total rubbish. While you are experiencing orbits of the sun (yes, 25% of America) surely so too is your future partner that you have not yet met. He is also "not getting any younger". Or while you are aging and the competition is de-aging, Mr Right is the same age for ever…
Correction: she was depriving other renters at a now-defunct video store the opportunity to see J.Lo on a now-defunct format.
Mine works out to be around US$20k, but the whole student loan system works really differently in my country to how it works in the US. Our student loans are directly from the government, not corporations, and while you are living in the country they are interest free. The fact you have a student loan isn't a problem…
I'm from a part of the world where Valentines has been and gone. We were out last night and every restaurant was full (of couples) as was every bar (with 'totally not bitter' singles). The only place that was dead - DEAD - was Burger King. But I assume they made up their losses at 1am when the singles spilled out of…
The very nature of PhDs means they have such a narrow focus that, apart from transferable skills, the actual knowledge gained from them is only useful in a small number of roles. So I think that is a real problem, almost regardless of subject matter. If you don't want an academic career (or even if you do) the options…
For me, every day is a new Kinja experience. You never know what you are going to get.
Quit trying to make "a new Kinja experience" happen. For the love of all that is holy.
Well I dunno about you, but my country is not land linked with Africa, (or any other country) so all our giraffes (apart from the small number born here) arrived by sea. Inter-zoo exchanges within the country are also done by sea.
Nope. Sorry Denmark, no more giraffes for you. You gone done fucked up. Ikke flere giraffer for dig Danmark. FI!
By that logic, any zoo who houses meerkats is "wasting space" on animals that have no conservation value. They are listed as "Least Concern" on the IUCN Threatened Species list.
Erm, death kind of reduces the chance of reproduction if breeding is later logistically an option, no?
I still think it's worth attempting despite the risk. A giraffe at the zoo where I worked never came out of anesthetic but the procedure was attempted despite the risks to alleviate a problem that was causing him considerable pain. If a giraffe maybe/accidentally dies under anesthetic, how is that actually any worse…
The loser has to take a job at Walmart/Mickey Ds.
There are many, many countries that have laws like this. It sucks. I guess in the very least, it is consistent with the "a child should have a mom AND a dad" malarkey that they spew in defense of denying gay couples the right to adopt. Because no single parent ever raised a well adjusted human being.
And then there will be that pesky two-body problem to contend with. Another plus to "marrying down" I suppose.
This is so true, we're living in a world now where a college degree is no guarantee of increased earnings. In many circumstances you would do better to get into the workforce early and make your way up gradually. Even if the climb is slow, at least you'll be earning the entire time.