"Just because it got positive reviews and they renewed multiple seasons and it has a huge fan base, doesn't mean it's good." Oh man. This is too ridiculous, thanks for the laugh. Keep spinning, brah.
"Just because it got positive reviews and they renewed multiple seasons and it has a huge fan base, doesn't mean it's good." Oh man. This is too ridiculous, thanks for the laugh. Keep spinning, brah.
Hey, if you trumpet about your right to hate on a tv show, and get snarky when people question why, don't turn around and do the same thing.
Basically, if I feel like responding to anyone I will. You don't have to understand why, right? ;-)
Oh yeah. But sometimes one needs entertainment on a slow Sunday.
For most people, given the praise for the series in general. And don't forget the vote of confidence from Starz… TWO season renewal notice! How about that!
You might be interested in The Scot and the Sassenach podcast if you want happy medium. They mostly like the show, but don't hesitate to criticize when something doesn't work, in their opinion. And they insist on maintaining a respectful tone.
Yet you're objecting strenuously to it. I tried. I really did.
She's the main protagonist. Yet you resent her story lines and character development.
Yes, god forbid we should have some character development. Why don't we just cut everything that isn't sex and romance?
But you don't seem to connect that the fact that she's the protagonist…
Which you made clear you think is a waste of time. Which is it?
Clearly not, since you failed to notice that everything he does is filtered through Claire's POV.
Really, Outlander isn't about Claire, how dare they give her stuff to do. That's your assertion? Okay.
And at this point in the book story, she is the only protagonist.
They are, though. Did you not notice that she's the first person narrator in every single one?
She IS the narrator, not just "essentially". She IS also the protagonist. Unbelievable to resent that she gets significant screen time.
Yeah…some people don't seem to get that
It's clear that hating the show and winding up people who like it IS why they bother. There's literally no other explanation that makes sense.
Also the visual motto is a strawberry, and Fraser is related to the French word for strawberry. Don't remember where I read that but interesting.
Oh sure he can (see The Reckoning). But it seemed like here, they had a choice to portray Jamie as an Alpha he man, OR to give Claire (the freaking protagonist, hello) some agency. As well as the positive character development for both of them that I already mentioned. As well as toning down the rape factor which has…
I hated that Jamie pretended to assault Claire in the book; I thought it made him look like a giant asshole. I appreciate the change, because it shows that Claire is clever and quick thinking, that Jamie is too and that they make a great team.