Norah Dowling Brink

Also, tone conveys intent. Dougal definitely got the message.

They're probably just pissed off that it got renewed for two more seasons. Now they don't get to gloat about cancellation, and they were SO looking forward to that.
*ETA: Yup.^^^*

That whooshing sound was my point going over your head.

That's an interesting comment. It's clear you've thought about this a lot. It's really unfortunate that you can't seem to separate the books and the show. If you weren't so angry at Ron Moore for not making the Outlander you want to see, or you were less emotionally invested in the books, I think you would enjoy the

I guess female characters aren't allowed to be human, make questionable choices or show weakness, lest they be called shrews.

DG said she needed a reason why Claire would leave=baby; but then the baby was there, she couldn't just ignore it. Brianna didn't seem to have much of a personality at first, which I think is a reflection of her existence being necessary to drive the plot, rather than an organic character. She gets better with every

I think if the series gets that far, the TV writers could adapt that part. I'm curious to see if adult Roger calls himself Wakefield like in the books, or if he's MacKenzie from the get go.

I think the whole first half of this season, we're seeing PTSD Claire. She's been through a lot and she's all fucked up. I think she'll be more herself now.

Yeah…but nobody took the bait this time, since she's been saying the same thing every week. Maybe she thought it was time for a new persona :)

You don't know what melodrama or screeching are if you think that's what I'm doing. :)

Melodrama? Screeching? You just undercut your point. Have a great day.

And that's your opinion. You're welcome to it. It's your life to waste.

Seems that way, yes. You're certainly not open to discussion on this topic.

GoT isn't my thing, I don't care for it. And we'll agree to disagree; The Americans and Outlander are very different stories but both are top quality in execution. I think many book fans take the adaptation personally, like Ron Moore wakes up every morning and thinks about how he can piss people off. (Spoiler alert,

No. But you don't seem open to discussion about anything and you seem determined to reply to every positive comment with a negative one. What's the point of that?

The only shows I've seen that match this level of quality recently are Fargo and The Americans. I'm not missing anything….but seems you might be ;-)

Then there doesn't seem to be much point being here, unless you're just trying to provoke people.

If it's not good enough for you now, I doubt it ever will be. TV doesn't get much better than this, imo.

You're welcome to your opinion, but you're not going to get many people to agree with you.

She's said that she didn't know Brianna the way she knew other characters because she was a plot device. I felt like I didn't get a sense of who B was as a character until Drums. Maybe that's what you're thinking of?