
I read an interview with Rowan Atkinson once where he said that Tim McInerney developed an honest-to-goodness twitch after being called "Darling" for an entire season.

Heart attack
Pulmonary embolism
Seizure (my cousin's husband died in bed next to her)

Last year.

Well, shit.

The first time I tuned into this show was the episode when Jared introduced Agile. I got up, paced around my kitchen for about five minutes, did a shot, came back and switched the channel to something mindless. It was about four months and intense pressure from the programmers I worked with at the time before I

Shame on anybody who *wasn't* attracted to the cartoon Robin Hood. That guy was sexy af.


Cunningham Muffins is great.

For people in Boston, the Brattle is showing it next Thursday.

Oh jesus, are we getting into a "what makes good art" discussion? That's been going on for centuries.

I enjoyed this immensely. I have no idea who this guy is, or who this band is, but I do like getting a glimpse into people's psyches when they go on rants like this. People get wrapped around the axle about the oddest things — my "I can't believe you devote that much mental energy to hating this thing" thing is the

That doesn't make it good art. It just makes it someone slapping together some rhymes and a descending chord and calling it a day. There is zero introspection, zero assessment of the state of play, just this pure selfish "this thing I dug is gone and now nothing anybody else does has value".

Check out the movie "Across the Universe" when you have a couple of free hours. Its plot-thin, but that's not the point — its a showcase of Beatles tunes used as narrative devices, with some great arrangements ("Dear Prudence" is incredible.) The way they arrange and film "Hey Jude" is great — when I saw it the

Adrift and aimless for who, though? Middle-class white teenagers? What did black Americans lose when they died? Anything? The song is such a tunnel-vision of American musical culture, like nothing mattered except for the sanitized, risk-free version of R&B.

I find the song annoyingly catchy and sing along to it whenever I stumble on it while switching through radio stations, but I am REALLY enjoying this guy's passionate hatred for it, and for McLean. Aces. Good stuff.

Yeah. He was a dick, suffice it to say (and a pretentious one at that, ironically)

I gained some self esteem, but only after two years of stuff like that. He was a real peach.

An ex-boyfriend of mine informed me, when I once commented that I would keep my own name, that I was being "pretentious" because that was a only a thing women from important families (as in, royalty) did and my family wasn't important enough for me to keep my own name.

That one made me a little weepy. Paul was so gentle with him!

That was awesome.