
Don't bother catching up, I wish I hadn't seen the finale. From a story-integrity perspective, it was garbage. From an episodic script-writing perspective, it was garbage. There was not one single redeeming item in the episode. Pretend it all ended with that badass march out the door at the end of S2, and that S3

Oh, I think you're wrong about Fellowes and Downton Abbey. Dan Stevens' death was a gigantic "fuck you" to him after he grumbled about the crummy writing and made moves to leave. "You want to leave? OK here's a guarantee that you'll never darken our door again!"

What skin do you have in this, I wonder?

We know that the S2 showrunner wanted to write her out of the show for several episodes. We know that the S2 showrunner wanted to move Katrina into the spotlight and push Beharie to the background. We know that the S2 showrunner excluded her from the DVD commentary, and that she was the only one of the main cast not

I didn't hate Hawley, but I didn't love him and I certainly wasn't asking for him to have been added. He was briefly good for getting up Ichabod's nose, but my biggest issue — other than the writers tried to use him as their wish-fulfillment stand-in by having two sisters fight over him (I'm assuming that's where the

I got the impression social media really wasn't his thing, so that didn't surprise me. It must be weird to be this costume-drama / low-budget indie character actor and suddenly get this firehose of obsessive female attention, especially when you're a newlywed and your brand new wife is probably like "ARE YOU KIDDING

So Goffman was the showrunner in S1 as well. Someone, maybe it was you? mentioned that the creators were still on the scene in S1 though and kept some of his worse instincts in check and once they were gone he pulled the trigger on his Katrina jones. I also read #onhere that the S2 premiere production was halted due

Oh don't get me started on all the missed opportunities to use the demons AND the talismans of all the populations who lived in that area. If you want grisly, scary stories, look no further than the Dutch (and not that bullshit verslinder thing that isn't even a real thing). They loved nothing more than blood and

From the person who said this:

Yeah, he has a really boyish face, or at least he did three years ago before the beard.

The thing is, the real Betsy Ross actually had kind of a wild story that dovetails *perfectly* with the Sleepy Hollow mythology, at least what they set up in S1. She ran off with husband #1 at 19 and became excommunicated from her church because hubs wasn't a Quaker, he died before she was 24, then she is rumored to

There has to be some kind of circular causality with her being so perpetually youthful and also her having shared a bed with Lenny Kravitz and now Jason Momoa. Why am I humming Liz Phair's "HWC" all of a sudden?

It really is like an entirely different show. Beharie was treated like garbage, but Mison was also very badly served by what it became. Crane in S1 is highly competent, adaptable, clever, and kind of prickly; Crane in S3 is a cartoon manbaby buffoon who needs to be dragged around.

Tom Mison looks like he's about 22 years old without the beard, so…

This is a forum to discuss television shows, their merits and their pitfalls. Its not a forum only for people who love shows unconditionally and without criticism.

I've finally achieved peace by blocking out the entirety of S3, and pretending that Sleepy Hollow exists of S1, and S2 eps 1-2 and 16-18, and nothing else. I feel so much better about things now.


They're a bunch of middle-aged white guys. They will get bite after bite at the apple, forever. They will feel no penalty for this.

Nah, just two of them. The first year was pretty rewarding.

"My cabbages!"