
One of the only decent episodes this season was about Berserkers, although the art direction on it was lame (I would have gone with giant Viking dudes with bear-skin shirts because, well, you know…) but the writing on it was pretty good and it was — until that point anyway — the only episode that had Crane written as

He's also trying to re-negotiate his contract. He already re-negotiated his S3 contract for a reduced workload. It sounds like they've both been trying to get out of this for a while, maybe?

Nope, Beharie is dunzo. Press release was issued, multiple news outlets have picked up.

Aw, shucks!

Watch the last three eps of 2, those were good (the last two especially). Give all of S3 a hard swerve. It was maddening, and at the very end utterly disgraceful. I wish it never aired.

I want him in a movie with Bill Nighy where they play father and son. Imagine all that awkward, yet somehow immensely compelling, lankiness together onscreen?

Which itself was a retcon from his S1 accounting of Betsy Ross, which was that she was an admirer who was so relentless he wound up running away from her and hiding in closets so she wouldn't find him.

I cannot waaaaaaait for the penny to drop. How long do the bodies have to be cold before people can start spilling the gossip?

If they'd told a good story, people would have watched the show. They didn't. Nobody cared about the Crane Marriage Counseling Hour, as it turned out. Ratings tanked. Viewers walked, and didn't come back. That's not the "shippers" fault — that's the showrunner's and writers' faults.

They can tell a bad story, or tell a story badly though, and we can all go watch something else. Nobody is owed an audience just because they have an idea.

Nope, don't watch it.

I'm not sure what that has to do with my theory about moving it to Thursday but OK…

I didn't say they were dating, I said they were practically in each other's laps during publicity for S1 and just prior to S2. Go watch the interviews and press, they're all up on YouTube. The pair of them were thick as thieves.

OK, so you don't have any personal accounts or sources, just more "I heard she was short with someone on Twitter". If you have these media reports, I'd love to see them. So far all I'm seeing is some weird sour-grapes rumormongering.

By not watching it? Whose fault is that?

Well, they can't do justice to them. Their last good years were the X-Files and some of Fringe. Might as well hand the keys to "genre" TV over to The CW, which is lower-budget but more creative and engaging from a story perspective.

1,000 monkeys on 1,000 typewriters could have come up with a better script.

Watch the last two eps of S2, and pretend that was the series finale. I sure wish I had.

I asked on twitter if this episode had been written by 1,000 monkeys. It made about as much sense.

Oh without a doubt.