
I want someone to hack FOX and pull down the demographics for this show's audience, because it *can't* be far off from what I see on social media, i.e. mostly women between 25 and 40(ish, *ahem*), and probably half of them are black. The writers are not, as you note, writing for this audience. They are — or were —

I just read in THR that Mison renegotiated his S3 contract for less involvement, which explains an awful lot, and that he's renegotiating for S4 (which may or may not happen — I really hope it doesn't.) I'm so curious to know what that's about, if he's also disgusted by this but is maybe like "whatever, I need the

I have some bad news for you: they actually did want to kill her off in the mid-season finale — but that would have meant ratings of 0.0 for an entire half a season. So they dragged it out, and picked up the #Ichabbie tag from Twitter and started using that, and strung people along, and then…

Right? Let it grow organically, let them just kind of come together. Let it be gentle and cautious and fun and lighthearted.

It works in a really limited, tightly-controlled environment. If the show had 11 episodes and a fixed end of four seasons, it could have been sustained. The flashbacks would probably have to be expanded to show more of the other populations there, particularly once Grace Dixon was introduced — we could have seen

Film & Television Studies professors should make note and use this as a case study in how to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

"I had long gotten the idea that Beharie and Mison didn't get along. When the show was hot, they just never seemed to enjoy each other's company in interviews."

Got any of these "personal accounts" to share, or are you just spreading unsubstantiated mean-spirited gossip?

There is a single story that hasn't been validated by *anyone*, just a few "I heard that…" but no source or even details.

But see if they bring her back and start using the #Ichabbie tag in their tweets, all those dipshit fans will keep watching and they'll keep pulling in those ad dollars!

Write your stories. The world needs dreamy romantics.

Apparently she wanted out since S2 — which is not a surprise given what they did with her character, I read that she was really unhappy about that (as she should have been). The cherry on top of *that* sundae was her being the ONLY one of the main players not asked to do DVD commentary — evidently she only found out

*And the last two episodes of the second ("Tempus Fugit" was brilliant, I thought.)

The are absolutely Peel & Steed. If they did that, I hope they'd let her wear a catsuit and go-go boots. That just looks like so much fun.

Ive seen it, it's outstanding (and also with an inexplicable and unsatisfYing end.)

I'm DYING to know what was going on bts. You know that is SOME SHIT. What have you heard?

They premise is so incredible. How could I *not* write stories about it? They're a magical pair — literally! What a miserable waste. I hope Miss Beharie is walking into something really good, and I hope Mison picks up some work, because he's going to be out of a job really soon.

I don't know. I would pay CASH MONEY for a tell-all about what really went down behind the scenes of this show.

That's my dark cynical theory about the move to Thursday against Scandal: black women are a huge targeted demographic for Scandal, and my theory is that TPTB moved Sleepy Hollow to Thursday after Bones to shake the black female audience by "losing" them to Scandal and gain middle-aged white women (in which demographic

I only have bits and pieces, and a few things that are in draft or in-process stuff. I have a billion stories in my head, but the discipline to get it all down and edit it is not one of my strong suits. But if you feel like it, please check it out and offer critique where needed: