
This only just happened? I think you need to maybe wait a while on this one, and see what comes along down the road. Grief is weird, and doesn't follow any rules or timelines. I've been more devastated over the death of a distant relative than my own grandparents, and over the death of a complete stranger than

I didn't ask how he had a lot of words written on pages, I ask how he has a career. There are a lot of shitty writers out there, but Netflix isn't paying them $20M.

How the buggery fuck does this two-bit hack have a career?

Alcohol doesn't create impulses or compulsions out of thin air, it just depresses people's inhibition in acting upon them.

It makes you someone who is friends with a person who has a dark side. It probably shouldn't make you someone who will talk about how awesome that dark side is in your college newspaper, with your name attached to it.

When I was in college, there was a fairly famous rape trial and conviction of a group of guys from New Jersey who raped a mentally-retarded teenage girl, including inserting a baseball bat into her vagina. None of the guys involved ever denied that it happened, they described it as consensual. There was no question

The bog-standard fallback into some diddle-ai-ay Nortsoide, when all else fails.

Her real one is a Limerick accent. Think that'd be any better?

I read that entire post in my head in Chummy's voice.

My mom and I comment on this *every week* during CALL THE MIDWIFE.

This show (I'm pretty sure it was this one) had a great episode on privacy, when the government wanted to take their family computer for some reason (presumably relating to Raja's presence in their house) and read through the files. The mom goes from "we have nothing to hide" to "wait, our finances are on there, our

He wasn't so much telling jokes as saying really mean truths to a room full of rich white elitists with sticks up their bums. I thought it was hilarious, and the more they squirmed and frowned, the funnier it got.

Yes. Your passive-aggressive douchiness is on point though.

Yes. Your passive-aggressive douchiness is on point though so points for improvement.

It has. The problem is, everyone is a "good person" until they do a bad thing, at which point they already have a gun and have probably used it, so…

My stomach lining is coming off just watching this.

FALSE! Steaming hot or GTFO.

I'm of an age where I need to plan ahead. Like, yes I'll get the shredded beef with greenbean from the hole in the wall Northern Chinese place where grandma is in the open kitchen making a thousand spinach dumplings by hand and they don't bother printing the last page of the menu in English because white people don't

The exception to that being when you have a really severe cold, in which case a piping hot bowl of really spicy hot & sour soup is juut about the best thing ever.

Usenet, IRC, and CompuServ bulletin boards.