
I feel like they just telegraphed a reunion between them. >:(

Abbie had an ex fiance Luke, and Andy infatuated with her in S1, and Orion the Rogue Angel and Calvin the Hot War Reporter in S2. She hasn't exactly been lacking for romantic admirers.

I had a really shitty day yesterday, and Abbie getting together with Reynolds — who earlier in the episode *demanded* that she lose Crane because "I've given you enough space!" Hey there entitled abusive asshole! — really just was the shit pickle accompanying my shit sandwich. What a colossal disappointment. I really

Seeing Harbard made my skin crawl.

I was glad when they had her as the sad-sack the other week, when she and Jack "broke up" and suddenly Jack was the popular one and she was the loser eating lunch with the substitute teacher. Their relationship needs some balance.

The scenes in the office might actually be my favorite. They're exactly the perfect amount of hilariously brutal offensiveness. More time devoted to those scenes would kill the joy dead, so I applaud the writers for knowing exactly how long to play it out. The more despicable they are, the more I love them.

The writers are tweeting hints that we will see him again!

I actually had an anxiety dream once that a publisher found one of my fics and wanted to sign me for a book deal. Great! Except that it turned out to be the worst thing I'd written, and I was totally consumed with embarrassment and shame that I'd finally get published and then be known as a really bad writer for all

Depends on the piece, I guess. I write a fair amount and some of it is garbage* while other pieces are pretty good (if I do say so). If they found the garbage pieces? Bummed. If they read (and enjoyed) the better pieces? I'd run a fucking victory lap around my city.

Well, he was a hair's breadth from declaring his love for her when she emerged from the catacombs, clasping her hand to his bosom and all. I don't think its that far out of bounds to think we might get the beginning of a courtly romance before the season is over (in three weeks).

I'm a dreamy romantic tenderheart, what can I say? :D

I have a *really* specific image in my head of a scene with the two of them at Playland over in Rye, which is on the water. He with his pattern-recognition and photographic memory figures out how to beat the rigged midway shooting games. Wins a stuffed animal. Gives it to her. Stroll along the boardwalk, he offers

I hear you, though. Sipping from obviously-empty cups is my cinematic pet peeve. It drives me up the wall.

We're talking about prime-time TV: cliche is unavoidable. The cliche we're currently watching is that black women are strong and independent and don't get to have romance, or be wooed with gentleness, or be attracted to the weird guy. To see a black woman be *courted* on prime time TV would be a rare thing indeed.

I think that's him in the previews for next week.

Zzzz. You came into a thread *dedicated* to commentary on the show, asking if anyone watched the show. If nobody watched the show there would be no review and no posts. Jesus. Week after week there are people asking "is it any good?" Gosh, maybe read the reviews and read people's notes on it. Or no, let's all repeat

"Pandora's Secret" makes me think of a movie that comes on Skinemax at 1:30am. I spent the back half of last night's episode laughing and cracking jokes every time someone referred to Pandora's Box.

Word. I just spent the last three hours in a bar owned by a man from Ennistymon, served up Guinness (because he misheard my order for a Lagunitas) by another Clare man, listening to trad tunes. That's how we do in the Northeast.

Yeah the ban sídhe was kind of weaksauce, they really could have done a lot more with that theme and made it jump-scare creepy instead of latex-mask goofy.