

The review was posted at 9am. The two comments (mine and one other) were posted within minutes. Go back week over week and you'll see ample discussion. The rest of us aren't here to do your research for you; if you're that lazy, that's not my (or anyone else's) problem.

I think we all stopped at the first question, the answer to which is self-evident. As for the second: if it wasn't worth our time, why would we be here every week?

Do they need to be two separate bloodlines, or just always two Witnesses? That just means Abbie & Ichabod have more than one kid together. Although what if they have three? Is there one kid who is always left out, and pissed that the other two are Witnesses and they're not? Watch it be the middle child who isn't

Or another bloodline could spring up out of the blue. In a universe where the Horseman of Death roams the Westchester County woods, I'm pretty sure the rules around Witness bloodlines can be manipulated.

I am full steam ahead on that 'ship myself. I already have story plans for their daughters.

Does anyone still watch Sleepy Hollow?

No, nobody watches it. Not the reviewer, who posts every week, or the commenters who comment on it every week. None of us watch it.

I was the one chatting with you on Twitter last night about the irish stuff (same avi). I wasn't bothered by "stereotypes" as much as I was annoyed that the fundamentals — which are easy to research and validate — were just flat out *wrong*. "Blood sausage" is German — "black pudding" is Irish, and *no* Irish expat,

Whoever picks the music is amazing. I've bought a bunch of songs off of iTunes from hearing them on this show (lots of IAMX!)

Conrad Ricamora was just announced as being promoted to series regular for S3, so the fanbase is going to have to get used to it! I like him being the moral core, but I'm also OK with him having a big secret to keep from Connor, too. My guess is he'll be the new fixer, if Frank is gone baby gone.

I want Ophelia to move into the Big House and become their den mother and help them solve and/or commit murders. Cicley Tyson in every scene. She's incredible.

Oh I know its going to be canceled, but the reason for cancelation is that they completely blew it in S2 and can't recover. If you're so sure that its the "mediocre black actress" at fault, explain the difference in S1 — which was "mediocre black actress"-intensive and a ratings bonanza, and S2 which was almost 100%

I mean the writers from S1. I've never seen Limitless, is that the one based on that Bradley Cooper brain movie?

His comeback was amazing, maybe a year or so later there was an awards show (not sure which one) and he comes out in full Pee-Wee costume and walks kind of sheepishly up to the mic and says "Heard any good jokes lately?" The audience just about spontaneously combusted, it was so great. He just had to own it, I mean

Are you sure that was him and not the principal from Ferris Bueller? He got busted for an "erotic art" collection somewhere in the same time frame as Reubens getting popped for jerking off in a porno theatre (which seems odd, I mean isn't that what you're supposed to do in a porno theater?)

I think Mison is a fine actor, but this season for sure he's been given some really shitty material that results in one form of scenery-chewing or another, either doofus teenager or angsty lovefool. He's had one episode where he seemed back to his old self, and that was the berserker one (although I didn't care for

Word. Its incredible how thin the writing is, given how much material they have to work with. I mean Jesus, here's some backstory for Abbie that I can write in four minutes that would take like 30 seconds apiece to mention on screen and would actually make her a human person: Abbie went to John Jay and got a BS in

The show does not work without Abbie & Ichabod together as both the brains and the muscle of their operation. They are — or should have been — the heirs to Peel & Steed, and instead we get saddled with some emo angsty bullshit that nobody cares about. They've overplayed Crane's affection for Abbie, and underplayed

S1 shot out of the gate like a fucking rocket. S2 - which sidelined Abbie & Crane in favor of Crane Family Counseling Hour - sank like a stone.