
I'm not concerned in the slightest.

For once, Mary's frosty detachment and unyielding lack of sentimentality comes in handy.

Except for me, and at least two other people that I know who think its one of the worst things we've ever seen. What can I say, I'm not part of the Cult of Wheedon.

I let myself get swept up in the sentiment of the "Christmas episode" that doubled as the series finale. So fun! Even Mrs. Patmore gets in on the love game! Which brings me to my only gripe:

Aaaaaa! I thought exactly the same thing! I missed out on the whole "sentimental moment" thing because I really thought the Gregson penny was about to drop!

That got a belly-laugh out of me.

Interesting, premiere was one of the very few episodes that was actually *good*. I literally jumped up off my couch and shouted "YES!" at the end of it. So what *was* the real story? I never heard about the production shutdown, do you have any of the deets on that?

I bailed after the first ep of the last season. It turned into "murder porn" and I really couldn't stomach it. I think I read that it ends something like Hamlet, with pretty much everyone dead at the end and the Horatio or Fortinbras analog taking over?

Oh man. It was so intense. The song that was played is really beautiful (I immediately bought it on itunes, but I could only play it at home for about a month and a half because I'd start crying again just hearing it. It still gives me prickles when I listen to it.):…

I think the writers had some kind of internal reckoning with that, too. If feel like I remember reading they realized what a horrible mistake they'd made and couldn't unwind it.

I white-knuckled it through some of the post Mulder & Scully X-FILES but when Krycek got killed that was the end for me.

The death was shocking, but what truly devastated me was his wake the following week, to the tune of "The Lost Boy" sung by Greg Holden. I cried for the entire wake and afterwards, then the next day started crying all over again getting ready for work when I remembered that scene.

Oh jesus, I hope not. That was one of the worst shows on television!

The S2 two-parter finale was fantastic, there were so many beats in it that I loved, particularly the almost-shot-for-shot recreation of the series opening, complete with fiddle music playing Sympathy for the Devil (others found it to on-the-nose cheesy, I loved it), AND the really subtle costuming decision to put

I would rather have had a x-over episode with TURN, and have Peggy Shippen show up as yet another one of Crane's girlfriends.

Abbreviated seasons are better, I think, it's less "filler" that the writers have to come up with. This is the perfect show for 13-episode seasons, I think — it keeps the writing tight.

This episode was so blissfully free of ridiculous b- and c-plot clutter that I probably enjoyed it more than it actually deserves. It was also the first in a long while where Abbie & Ichabod *together* are the primary players, and the b-team just stays in the background. That alone gives it high marks (although I am

Oh this felt better. Abbie & Ichabod front and center, the B-squad doing b-squad things, and a not-totally-ridiculous monster (although the makeup was really dumb), and best of all NO CLUTTER. This was the least-cluttered show of the season, except for maybe the Tooth Fairy episode, and with that the pacing

Kaiser roll I guess?

I feel like she might be playing a long game with The Hidden One (zzzzz…) and she is going to beat him at his own game and get her powers back and his for good measure.