
I feel like this is leading up to the most disappointing payoff ever, that somehow the showrunner(s) think is super exciting. Its going to be the coitus interruptus of TV shows.

Has she gotten better material, or just more material? The entire first half of this season was little more than her rolling her eyes, sighing, and dragging helpless manbaby doofus Crane around. Until the last three episodes they didn't seem to think she was actually human.

I had a horrible thought yesterday afternoon:

Removing it from the context of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow basically neutered the show. That was the running gag, and the nudge-wink premise for why some dude from Colonial America was running around modern day Westchester County. There were a multitude of literary in-jokes that, once that context is gone, are just

Oh damn you're right. I did my subtraction wrong.

Gulf War I was in 1991, so they would have been in their early/mid-20s at the time.

Ollie is cute as anything, and is the only one with a moral center.

Oh Betsy Ross needs to go, I'm talking about Ben Franklin, the Tea Party, etc. where he was basically the Forrest Gump of the Revolutionary War. It also rooted him in 1791 and actually provided the premise for why he is here now. Without that tie back to the political and social environment of the time, AND the

They're definitely dumbing it down for an audience that's watching it while they're doing something else (getting ready to go out, cooking dinner, drinking alone, whatever). The gonzo callbacks to actual US history are pretty much done and have been replaced with B-squad action sequences that are mostly people

Now we're solidly outsourcing almost everything to the B-squad? This is a show in transition, about to write out one or more of the original main characters. FYI to the showrunner(s): this won't work without Abbie. Or at least, it won't work for me, and I've stuck with it for 2.5 years, through the S2 trainwreck

Oh SNAP! That is where I know Irwin from. Was he a man who could fly? Am I remembering that correctly?

I only watch the show for Oliver these days, so I'm glad to see he showed up, adorably so, at the end. Everyone else alternately bores or irritates me.

I'll see it for Casey Affleck alone. There's something about his chill vibe that I really dig, I kind of want to kick it with him in my backyard with the grill going and a cooler of beers at the ready.

I only know black people who watch the show. I don't know any white folks who watch it on the regular.

Agreed. It brought me right back to that moment, the fear I felt then all came back in a flash just seeing them walking outside.

We're the consumer — we are the only people whose opinion counts when it comes to pop entertainment. If its garbage, we can observe that it is garbage, and call it garbage.

If you're not a professional chef, you can't complain when someone oversalts your food!

THAT should have been the mushroom hallucination from the other week: a hot makeout sesh with Krycek (*finally!*)

Yeah, and way scarier & with a much better soundtrack.

This was AWWWWFUUUUUULLLLL. Horrible. Terrible. D- at best.