
If they keep it around I wonder if they ship Abbie off to Washington, and if Beharie is locked into a contract or something have her pop back in every now and then (and if she's not she should give them the finger and go find something else to do with her time — this morning on my walk to the train I thought of THE

The thought popped into my head this morning. I mean there was no real reason to think that other than Thomas' own attempt, so it dawned on me that perhaps the events were related.

So was the subtext of the Marquess' death conversation that he committed suicide also (and not did of malaria?)? They kept talking about how sensitive and artistic he was, and then quick cut to Thomas looking uncomfortable, then back again so is the inference that he was gay (telegraphed through their rather

The part of the episode where they were both sitting there kind of awkwardly with each other, playing chess and being stressed out and anxious was the perfect moment Just get the shag, you two. Its a great stress reliever, at a minimum.

One of whom showed up on SLEEPY HOLLOW last season, in "The Weeping Lady" — (Anna Strong played by Heather Lind) as one of Ichabod's ex-girlfriends.

I've basically written off the show as canceled myself. The only thing that gives me pause is that they'll need filler once AMERICAN IDOL is officially done, and I'm not sure they're going to want to invest too much money in new series development (they've tried and failed x3 with genre shows in this season alone,

I thought the episode was pretty good. I will always complain about Zoe and Betsy Ross because I think the actresses are really terrible and sound like they're in a high school Drama class, and also those plot threads are ridiculous and a distraction. Foster I think is just a pointless addition that dilutes the

The song in question is Ann Cole's singing of "Got my Mojo Workin'", a Muddy Waters tune but she really owns it. Bonus points for being thematically consistent with the show.

My scribble-filled story-idea notebook already has one such scene, although it involves washing up, a second bottle of wine, some 1950s R&B, Jenny and Abbie dancing swing and remembering their parents dancing them around when they were really little (before Ezra left and Lori had her troubles), Joe and Ichabod moving

I do realize that. I maintain that there are women of equal or greater beauty who can also convincingly act like someone from the 1780s.

The B-team really clutters up the show and keeps it from developing the main characters' arc with each other and with the supernatural. My first thought was that they were setting up an "undercover sting" operation to capture The Kindred as he goes after couples, which would have required Abbie & Ichabod to "pretend"

Yeah I saw that too, I don't know how "attempted rape" could be construed as a romantic interlude, and it seems monstrously unfair that the victim was also killed by the Kindred.

Oh god do not keep Zoe. The last thing this show needs is more thinly-developed characters performed by people who talk like they're in high-school.

S3 has been really hit or miss, but this episode was a hit. I basically ignore the B-team, and this was a really good Abbie & Ichabod episode. Last week's was very good too, the other two to check out are the one with the tooth fairy (which was written by the woman who wrote this ep) and the one with the berserkers

I'm sure she's a wonderful person in real life but my god Nikki Reed is the WOOOOOOORST actress. Really the worst. If they wanted to retcon Betsy Ross, fine I guess OK but for god's sake they couldn't find anyone better than her? She recites her lines like she's an 11th-grader in a high school play.

Crane referred to himself and Abbie as "family".

Hot. So, so hot. Those abs, those pecs, those traps, those lats — and ALL THAT INK.

Yay its back! We know how it all ends, and I'm interested to see Rollo make his mark establishing Normandy. The betrayal of even his last Norse friend really makes his split from Ragnar and his identity as a Frankish (Norman) Duke complete.

The first two were Saudis, from Saudi Arabia, who entered the country illegall from Canada for a very brief time during which they were "in America" mostly over our airspace. Paris, your third example is also notably not "in America." As for the rest of it, the "terror cells" that have been supposedly broken up by