
I heart Sherman Alexie (but not in a fetishistic sort of way, just to clarify).

I don't mean "fire that person" — I would either speak on the phone or send an email generally addressing the invasive nature of invocations to smile from complete strangers. People are carrying all kinds of tragedies with them that you never see — nor should you, its none of your business — and telling them that

Except that they were the ones depicted as being correct in their racist assumptions.

Are there really? There have been two instances of what could also be described as a folie-a-deux terrorism, and far more instances of terrorism perpetrated by white supremacists. Why validate the paranoid racists by stating quite boldly that they are *right*? They're not right. They're wrong (and racist.)

I might have mentioned it to the manager. Its wholly inappropriate.

I submit that the Islamophobia took the form of the show demonstrating that racist residents, murderous nurse, and Trumpian DHS agents were correct in stating that Muslims are creating "terror cells" all over the United States including small towns for the purpose of killing all of us.


If something like that happened, I would probably be wondering if I could back my car into him without anybody else noticing.

East Coast, checking in: I refer to myself as a chick, other women as chicks, and guys occasionally refer to women as chicks. No bother here, although it does make me wish that "cat" would come back into fashion to refer to guys. It just sounds so smooth and beatnicky.

Mulder is a lovable kook though. Baby Scully was just snarly and unpleasant.

For sure. Einstein isn't Baby Scully — she's Mean Scully.

I'm not sure why you've decided to respond so nastily, but surprising an actor with a switch-up on set to get a real reaction shot is not unheard of. It seemed like something they might have done.

WHAT were they thinking with this episode? That insane crackpot racist Texans who think that Muslims are all out to "get us" are right? Because that was pretty much the thrust of the A-plot, just straight up racist garbage. Really an embarrassment that completely overshadowed the better B-plot conceit of Baby

It was so natural it made me wonder if that was unscripted, like either they were supposed to have a prop dog that you didn't really see or something, and then they get him into the scene and there's a real pup in the basket.

That's where I see it going, they both seem like open-hearted amiable people. Big fan. More of that please.

THANK GOD! I could see that happening too and I thought "oh jesus don't pull that trigger". Tom is a good soul and if he partners up again it needs to be with someone kindhearted and generous of spirit. Mary is a shrew and an ice-queen. No freaking way.

I'm irritated that Daisy is still too dumb to see that Andy is being stood up to be her husband. She'll need a fella who is equal to the task when she eventually takes over the farm.

Thomas should be retained as the "manny" for the kids. It seems to be one thing that brings him wholly uncynical happiness, he has a strong affinity for them (especially Sybil Jr.), and children of rich families always need someone who will keep the kids from bothering their parents. As cartoonishly evil as he's

If they hadn't fumbled so badly in S2 I think we'd be in a much better place. My suspicion there is that the "arc" was already planned before the leads were cast, then these two got into their first scene together and everyone was like "ohhhh…damn" but instead of pivoting, they stuck to their non-romance guns despite

Meh that's what alcohol is for.