
Oh christ I hope not. Peel & Steed are my mental model for this: cheeky, sly, you know they're having the shag on the regular they just never actually *tell* you.

The current showrunner has no idea how to handle this series. The needed to pay out the money to get Darin Morgan to consult, it would have been worth it.

Kissing Abbie on the hand is how I see their romance playing out. Like, that's it: the last scene of the last episode of the series, they are off to some evening out, she's wearing a pretty dress, he looks slightly dazzled and surprised by it, says "Miss Mills!" and impulsively kisses her hand. She blushes. End

I'm not sure that's a given, Ichabod basically called her his wife in the last episode and Abbie had some intense realization of how deeply emotionally-tied to Crane she is.

Or the Friday Night Genre TV Slot that's worked wonders for other genre shows (The X-Files, Fringe, Grimm…)

MUUUUUCH better, although I'm really torqued about Foster joining the the Scooby Gang. I don't get why we need her and its yet another distraction that thins out the story. They're also blatantly pandering, the show's official Twitter account, and the writers, were all talking about how great it is that we have

I keep thinking about Annalise's comment that she was glad the baby stopped crying because she would have considered smothering it (or something like that).

Yeah thanks, I'm not really concerned. It's beyond me, what can I say. I got the location of the Shawnee wrong, fair cop, I don't get the reason for all the static. It has nothing to do with my own writing, and actually demonstrated my point even more. Oh well. I'm back to focusing on my gripes about how badly the

They're basically giant sea cockroaches, they're the liver of the ocean. A few years ago you could get them for like $3 a pound if you went down to the docks in Maine, there was a market glut. That was a good summer.

Mama Scully appeared a number of times, as did her sister Missy who was killed by Krycek. There was a multi-episode arc about that. Her (dead) father — who she referred to as Ahab here - showed up in one of the creepiest episodes I can recall, which is how we found out her nickname was "Starbuck" and the origin of

I feel bad for Mison and Beharie. They have both been badly served by this show, Beharie in particular. I'm sorry that its dragging them down with it.

Oh wow, de gustibus non disputandem est, I guess! I was commenting to someone recently how much I liked the new titles and score.

I was cool with Jenny and Joe UNTIL they suddenly had a "relationship" conversation, then it got boring. I kind of like them in the background as each other's late night "what are you doing?" "what are YOU doing?" sexting buddies, and they do a nice job of letting Joe just kind of hang back and have Jenny do her

My caring about the show is a hobby. I write; they created a really interesting universe that lends itself to some wackadoodle story telling, the original iteration of the show displayed a broad cultural reach which is unusual in genre fiction, so I pay attention to it in that regard. I conceded the point about an

Agreed on Hawley, my pet theory is that someone on the EP team was going through a mid-life crisis and basically wrote themselves into the show as this young hipster Indiana Jones type who has ladies (sisters, no less) battling for his affections. Hawley was the ultimate Mary Sue. Things like that make me wonder

Fair enough. I bought "The Sound" off their new album right away, and then I bought the rest of their eponymous album. There are a couple of really good songs on that one ("Chocolate" is my favorite), the rest are the kind of tunes that are good background music for housecleaning and stuff like that..

WOW. Calm down. You're going to have a stroke if you keep this up. You're really wrapped around the axle on this for some reason. Go drink a cup of tea with some St Johns Wort in it, or knock back a slug of whiskey, or go for a run or something. I'm going to let you in on a secret. Listening? Here you go:

Yeah, the Spanish Moss that showed up in one episode threw me. I was like, mmm never seen that in 18 years of living in the Northeast (MA in my case) countryside!

Wow. You really are overly-invested in this. I really don't give too much of a shit about being "taken seriously" on the AV Club comments section. Its not an important discussion. Its a frivolous discussion about a genre television show. I've already stated — three times now — that I got the location of the

Its turned back into a hate-watch for me, and I hope they kill it dead at the end of the season. I just saw a tweet from someone saying they'd finished the script for the season ender, and I was really tempted to reply that I hoped it doubled as a series ender too, but I didn't.