
Do you have something like Asperger's syndrome, by any chance? I'm struggling to find another explanation for your multiple multiparagraph-post fixation on a single errant example that was off by about 100 miles that still — wrong as it was — served the point that the writers are not using the material that's right

The scuttle I heard was that she found out about it because Mison was already there and texted her to ask where she was.

OK then, they've swapped out one lazy trope for another, the common factor being overwroughtness and scenery-chewing.

Oh I disagree. Abbie is being written now as an eye-rolling shrew who just drags Ichabod around and barely puts up with his rants. All of the fun they had together has been completely written out.

The second half of this season (so far) has swapped out Ichabod being a tantrum-throwing manchild for Ichabod being a scenery-chewing flailing lovesick schmuck. There has been exactly one episode that had Ichabod being a fully-actualized, capable, intelligent adult (the Berserker one) and that's it. Can we have that

The Abenaki lived in the area which became the town I grew up in. As for the rest of it:

It feels like they're introducing Reyes, the post-Scully character on The X-Files (which is, not coincidentally, exactly when I stopped watching The X-Files.)

Oh I can't *wait* for someone to come out with all the behind-the-scenes stories about this show. S2 was a battle being played out in the scripts, you could almost hear the arguments between the writers and the network brass / EPs happening in the dialogue.

I have a theory about what they're going to do there:

Well, since Massachusetts is neither in Maine or Canada, you're flat out wrong on your placement of the Abenaki in Massachusetts. So there, I guess? Still not sure what point you're trying to make, other than wanting everyone to see how much you know about New York history.

Cool, cool cool cool. The Shawnee were not in Western NY, I stand corrected. They were in Ohio and Pennsylvania (which border Western NY.) Congratulations on having paid attention in your 7th grade Social Studies class. I presume you didn't learn about the tribes from the states where you are not from, and would

Abbie suddenly went from having an apartment that befitted the salary of a deputy sheriff to having a giant house that is about 4x what someone could afford on a junior FBI agent's salary.

What a strange reaction. My entire point was that they are *not* using the populations that lived in the Hudson Valley, in the case of the Native people that would be Lenape.

Definitely the weak link in an otherwise on-fire episode.

For sure, it definitely had that early-90s indie-pop vibe to it (which is my musical sweet-spot, so I was a happy girl. Or middle-aged lady, I guess.)

Don't bring me dooooowwwn GROOOOOOOS!

I loved it, it got me bouncing for sure. Thank god I'm old enough to be past my insecurities about really liking catchy alterna-pop tunes, its so freeing!

Aww, come on. They're young and famous, let them have some fun. Michael Hutchence was exactly the same way, nobody complained about him.

LOL! I'm old, I still call them "albums"

The 1975 reminded me of all the fun I had when I was in my early 20s and went out dancing to mid-90s alterna-pop music every weekend with my best friend. I immediately bought their album (their first one) and danced around my kitchen to it after the show ended.