
Does anyone know if there is any effort to hold the school accountable? Labrie definitely needs to be punished for his actions individually, but it seems like this was sanctioned with a wink and a nod which is reprehensible. Imagine all the girls who couldn’t bring themselves to come forward, or were actively shamed

I agree with a lot of what you are saying but I’m feeling like it’s not well-received because of the context. Like you said “maybe this isn’t the perfect case to make the argument with.” Do you go around saying these same things on every thread about drug offenders in jail? Maybe you do, that’s great (not snark).

Thank you so much for posting this. It needs to be shared over, and over, and over, and over again. Especially when people ask, “why didn’t she go to the police? Why didn’t she go to the hospital?”

[One of] the thing[s] that get me is that 14 years old is a child. 18 is also very young but that’s super predatory and disgusting. The defense attorney is scum. I saw a clip of him cross-examining her trying to bait her to say she lies, etc. basically trying to get the jury to see her as a slut. It’s horrifying.

I’ve always found it interesting that my parents got a Catholic “annulment” even though they were married for a while, had my sister and me, etc. Like it “never happened”? Wat? I don’t have 100% of the details, but my mom did all the Catholic-y stuff to get married in the church because she grew up Lutheran, and then

You’re on the verge of trolling at this point. Just because I didn’t see that comment and respond doesn’t mean I think that’s okay either.

You’re ignoring what I’m saying. I am agreeing that we don’t prosecute enough. I am agreeing that rehabilitation isn’t definitely shown to work and society needs to be protected from predators, they should stay locked up.

No, it’s not. It’s not common and that’s awful. But saying someone in prison shouldn’t get a beat down and also saying we need to prosecute people, lock them up, and throw away the key so they aren’t a danger to society are not mutually exclusive things.

I’m sorry I misinterpreted that, but it’s a common refrain for stories like this. Advocating someone being beaten is also not really okay.

I would feel horrified and sad and want justice under the law. I am very, very sorry you’ve gone through that with your family.

This is never an okay thing to say, and I’m tired of hearing (/reading) it.

That is horrifying. And are we absolutely sure he didn’t? Predators gonna prey.

Co-signed! My star is for part 1, not part 2!

This fucker entering a guilty plea and press coverage of the rape trial at that fancy boarding school... all before 10am (CST). Great day for girls.

How awful! Sending a subtle* signal to children under the age of 10 that everyone matters and has worth?! I mean, we don’t want kids growing up thinking that everyone has different skill sets and showing up and working hard with a team is valuable. This scourge on our society is as bad as neglect, or physical or

The difference is, no one is forcing anyone to have an abortion, while they’re trying to force women to give birth. Like when GOP politicians (I think recently it was Sarah Palin’s people) say that they’re proud that their knocked up daughters choose life it’s like... but you don’t want it to be a choice. Blerggggggg.

Yeah it’s a question of when, not if. I just think it might take a lot more insanity than any of us realize. Like Trump skinning a bunch of tiny kittens for a hat. (I’m copying that mental image from a comment I saw earlier, because it’s great, ha.) But then, they would probably say the kittens were probably asking

This is a beautiful, masterful comment with the links and all.

Yeah I really can’t see any logic behind it other than pure hatred of women (who are not their sweet Southern Belle wives/daughters who would never need an abortion because they are not slutty slut sluts) and poor people.

I agree that I don’t think they’ll win national a election until they ditch the horrible far right part of the party that is xenophobic, homophobic, and misogynistic and want to shut EVERYTHING down because government is evil and if it looks incompetent more people will want to vote for “smaller government” aka less