
If I had power, I would ungrey you. But I don’t. I was hoping my other highly starred comment might do it but no... forevergrey. :’-(


Is it sad that I clicked on this expecting some horribly blatant misogyny and/or racism? Sigh. My bar is so low.

That’s the thing... I don’t think all people who identify as Republicans are crazy. But the current national GOP is batshit insane and the leaders are submitting to the will of a terrifying minority. I want the parties to be able to have good faith arguments with like, Jon Huntsman and George Pataki... but it all

I was mildly impressed with John Kasich being compassionate on the gay marriage question and somewhat with the Medicaid expansion during the debate. But the rest of them give us such a low bar.

Dat headline doe. A+

I feel pretty okay speculating that he does not know what those things are. Do you think these men are really involved in their wives’ pregnancies? Bother to learn the details of their medical condition? I don’t. You can just see him sitting in a waiting room smiling and handing out cigars. Probably saying a prayer

Alright, I agree, but people try to make false equivalencies and I don’t think Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton are relevant to the discussion of Huckabee’s place in the GOP. Just saying. I’m happy to have that debate with whomever but others (not pointing the finger at you) deflect from this issue by turning it into

Thanks for your advice but I am thinking of it for what it is: a chance to shape the rest of the party.

Link Chafee, is that you on Kinja? ;)

We’ll have to agree to disagree.

I had the exact same thought when that came out of his mouth! I am consistently pissed off when interviewers don’t call people on their bullshit during interviews. The follow up is, “Governor Huckabee, 95% of women do not regret their abortions. Why is it a given that this 10 year old would have experienced regret

I see where you’re coming from, but maybe I’m just more cynical than you. I think a large part of the Bible-thumping is solely to maintain power over women. They don’t care about prisoners on death row. They don’t care about farm animals in abhorrent conditions. They don’t care about the thousands of species being

The whole both-sides-are-equally-bad thing is a false equivalency, but I want to stick to the situation at hand vis-a-vis Huckabee.

They won’t do that because cancer affects men and women. Pregnancy does not physically affect men beyond the act of copulation. This is entirely predicated on the idea that women are less than fully autonomous citizens.

This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power. It makes me sick.

I’m happy to hear you and your pumpkin (and the other pumpkins!) are doing well now. Stories like yours are not uncommon, and that’s at the crux of this issue. Also, pregnancy and childbirth are way way more dangerous for women than safe abortions. That gives away the whole issue right there. This is not about women’s

I’m on my phone, so I can’t provide links until later.

I literally think there is no other answer besides your vampire theory.