
When their problem is they might have affairs, then yeah, I know more than them. Namely how to keep my cock out of my coworkers.

Seeing people who have callously committed horrific acts on other people start to cry when forced to take (some) responsibility for their conduct always makes me hate them even more.

My two year old just told me to throw away her baby brother. But she added “please”, so I'm not raising a monster or anything.

When a friend of mine had a second baby, her 2 year old looked up at me and said very earnestly: do you like the baby? Yes? You can have her!

No, I’m pretty sure you are a horrible parent, BUT an amazing cat owner. ;)

“Kim is upset because Kristen’s missing brother is taking away from her son’s birth,”

I mean, what would you do if you were a mod? Gt is under a fucking microscope. It is really horrible. 5-6 bitter assholes are ruining it.

There so many inparadise accounts. I am the original. I exposed some of those with double lives on kinja and gomi. Frankly, it makes me sick to see GT’ers going back and forth. I hate gomi. I don’t understand how I spawned so many other accounts. I don’t know who they are.

This is possibly the most humorless thing I’ve read in a while. “#Adulting” is obviously a joke, meant to be taken as such. Most of the time I see it, it’s used by the person saying it to skewer themselves for being childish or lazy, not to garner praise.

Totally different industry/situation, but the way Conor Oberst responded to (an ultimately false, I think?) allegation was pretty believable. I remember being really conflicted at the time, because my impulse is always, always to support the survivor. Bringing up the ‘jealous ex’ trope or anything to attempt to

Between knowing too many people to be failed by fathers (and the emotional toll that can continue to take on them throughout their lives) and thinking of the brother I lost earlier this year to heroin addiction, this was a gutpunch of a read this morning. A good gutpunch, but a gutpunch nonetheless. I’m really glad

‘My punishment is that one of the coolest people on the planet dislikes me and I don’t get to have her friendship.’

“Hey, you guys, it’s cool. I mean, we’re all kinda rape-y.”

“I’m coming to rape yooooouuuuuu!”

Yeah, he’s always set off alarm bells for me, more than just a bit. It’s funny; I’ve told this to quite a few people, and the only ones who agreed with me were other sex workers — but boy howdy, did they ever agree vehemently!

He always rubbed me the wrong way. I'll see myself out.

“She’ll sleep with anyone”

The fact that Trayvon Martin is dead and this dipshit piece of human garbage still gets to walk the earth as a free man will enrage me until the day I die.