
Oh bless your heart! I’d be prefer if you avoid engaging with me in the future. I have no interest in arguing with someone who was friendly with such a vile human being. Thanks hun

hows your BFF ghostboobs? Been a misognystic piece of shit lately?

I dismissed your grammar correction because I knew you were being a pedantic ass.

Whatever. You clearly follow a certain toxic website.

Is there a reason you feel the need to harass me? Other than the fact that you dont like me?

You’re reading way too much into my post. Her family is upset about this documentary. Friends from college I know who went to school with her are upset. and I was just mentioning on a post about the documentary that her family and friends are against this documentary coming out. And yes people who don’t personally

Oh fuck off. That's not even close to what I said.

Ok thanks for the nit-picky correction.

It’d be ideal if they wouldn’t dredge this shit up while the parents/ close family of the murder victim are still alive and grieving but I’m sure the fact that I know people who knew Teresa and have seen how painful this is firsthand is a big part of my feelings. But then again I’m disgusted by FXs American Crime

I'm pretty disgusted that Netflix is capitalizing on this sick fuck and his sick fuck family. The family of Teresa (the murder victim) are upset this is being dragged out again. And it's pretty upsetting for the community all around as it was an awful time in our community. I hate that this is being sensationalized 10

At first I wasn’t really a fan of the depression story line because it hits pretty close to home for me but ultimately the way it played out seemed realistic and I appreciated that.

And who the fuck cares what Burt Reynolds’s opinion is on their relationship? He should really just shut his face.

Radar Online is such a Kardashian hate fest. I saw a ridiculous article this morning there too. Look I don’t like Kim either but if “North is jealous of Saint already” then big fucking deal. SHE’S A TODDLER! My toddler gets jealous if I’m paying more attention to our cats. It has nothing to do with anyone’s parenting.

What bothers me is the number of times he said, “it didn’t happen this way”, “the media misrepresented the stories”, “this incident happened on camera not the way it was described”.

That picture of him gets more and more creepy each time it’s used.

I’m envisioning the classic Home Alone movie within a movie.

The bar is pretty low in the first place unfortunately.

Bradley had tried to convince other pregnant women to do this, but nobody had been up for it.

I think what’s really sad is I’m not surprised and I’m even less surprised he’s facing a laughable amount of time for how heinous the crimes are.

That was like some horrible joke. It reminded me of Betsy Johnson.