
I’m sure it’s my age but I don’t know a single dude who buys these magazines. Oh wait I was at a friend’s recently and he had a stack of recent Playboys.

If only it didn’t have that pesky word “moderately” in there. Otherwise my family would be golden!

Am I only one who doesn’t think the original held up over time? I rewatched it a couple months ago and was like “meh” the entire time.

Oh man! I teased the crap out of my dad when I found out he was voted Most Popular in high school. I cannot even imagine how bad it would be if he won sexiest man alive. So much mocking.

A stranger is someone you’ve never met or are unfamiliar with. Yes, I suppose they are technically strangers when you first meet with them but after that first interaction THEY CEASE TO BE STRANGERS. It’s hyperbolic at best and shaming at its worst.


Exactly. At 3 months I was dying to get back into the workforce. All the questions of “how did you leave your baby??!?!!?!” only served to make me feel like there was something wrong with me for not wanting to be attached to my baby 24/7.

This is tragic of course but I really hate the whole “You’re leaving your baby with STRANGERS!!!” Um... no my husband and I actually visited the daycare, met the caregivers and did our research on whether or not the facility was licensed/the policies they follow. My daughter is now 2. She loves her caregivers. They

It must be all about the 15 minutes then because surely he could find something less dumb to fuck.

... so sleeping with her is no big chore at this point.

I wonder if this show ever airs in England? For as posh as Caroline Stanburry tries to play being on an American reality show sounds like it would be so beneath her.

My parents never emphasized looks when I was growing up. I don’t know if that worked out the way they wanted because now I’m a perfectly average looking woman who thinks she is hideous. I find myself telling my daughter she’s beautiful a lot so I try to comment on her other positive attributes in hopes of evening it