
Complicated man, who is no doubt burning in hell

Feels like this would’ve worked just as well if you’d only written the headline.  Everything past that was long winded and redundant. 

Can you blame him?

I was about to mention that his ass was probably already gone XD

Maybe there’s one guy that’s never heard them thats like “WOoooaaAAH! I bet this joker has some thoughts on Bill Cosby!”

This joke belongs in the same category as the female teacher statutory rape joke “where was she when I was in school??” They’re jokes we’ve all heard about a thousand times that were really only kind of funny when South Park did them six years ago

Being a celebrity has to be a huge pain in the ass these days. Sure, the speech was thoughtless, but this toxic relationship we have with social media isn’t good for anybody. It’s just a nonstop dump truck of poison barbs driving from target to target. It’s gross, it makes us all gross.

I mean fire tends to climb upward so yes, yes I do

So 50 year old men use dating apps? OOOOH NOOOOO! The article even states that these people generally look for partners in their age bracket.  Where the fuck is the problem?

Looks fun. I’d try it. I don’t see the harm and I don’t know what the rest of you do all day with those sticks up your asses.

The pace never really seems to pick up for me. I always seem to be both over-encumbered and lacking materials a the same time.  I’m having fun but EVERYTHING is a slog. The entire game is like running up a sand dune.  

People still find time to complain about a feature they never have to use

omg thats really what it is.  What bastards

Oh my god he’s PERFECT. Get back to that 90's style like Jaleel White

sweeeet.  Nobody should be against this

I’m tempted to go see it just to drive up ticket revenue.  Everybody complaining about TTG is in their 30's and that’s way too old to care this much

I still have people telling me to kill myself over the last stupid looking tv show that I commented on here, but what the hell, this looks stupid and doesn’t need to exist

A fight to the death might actually make this crap interesting

can gorilla’s swim?

How many people are going to correct that number?