
Turns out when you’ve been writing the same story for more than a decade, you run out of ideas. What’s worse is when your entire story is based on maintaining a high level of drama between characters.

I know people that are shocked about this. Somebody I follow actually said she couldn’t believe Blizzard would “reduce

Most of us never had time for her to begin with. 

Just here to watch all the nutjobs jump on their soapboxes to preach about free speech.  Actually had somebody equate that petition to book burning last time. That was fun. 

same dude, got himself banned probably. 

Thank you Simon Pegg. I can continue to love you

so you just do this to everybody then?  Are you 15?

Saw this on twitter yesterday. After 10 minutes of going viral his facebook was deleted and his phone inbox was full. What’s worse is he probably feels like the victim. Sad that these people will never fucking learn

Can confirm that my save post-path finder update survived.  If you haven’t played since before that you’re probably toast

Oh, and while I was typing that, the fucking GOP have taken another step towards killing Meuller’s investigation by moving towards impeaching the deputy attorney general. Fuck off back to reddit with your petty “censorship “bullshit you stupid douche

It’s all I really feel like wasting on your goofy little retorts. How pathetic are you that you’re screaming censorship about a crappy netflix tv show when the fucking white house just barred an entire news organization last night? When the orange fuhrer threatened to revoke security access to his critics earlier this

You skip your meds or something?

Somehow a show about how fat girls aren’t pretty has become some crusade about free speech.  You all take yourselves way too damn seriously. I’m out

chill dude, I do not have the amount of power that you seem to think I have. Watch the show if you want. Didn’t realize a committee designed idea of a fat person’s wish-fulfillment sitcom was going to fill that hole in your life

you’re not wrong

He didn’t need to, people would’ve forgotten about this by Thursday. James Gunn kinda threw the whole course of things out of whack. People aren’t ok with conservatives being the accusers

you’re thinking of the Honeymooners, the show that the Flinstones was based off of

Damn straight. I’m a fat man and lemme tell you, there’s a lot of women far skinnier than I’ll ever be getting shit for being fat

This show is less of a book, more of a grocery store tabloid. But yeah I guess some people still buy those

Yeah, this show doesn’t need to exist.

I’m still surprised we don’t hear about more kids getting killed by roller coasters.