
Trumpism is a cult. They worship an orange messiah and Putin is their god. They do not listen to facts, or reason, or even what they witness happening in front of them.  The word of Fox is their only truth, and only when repeated by the goblin himself

that’s just what she wants you to think. It was a clever ruse, but god bless Matson for staying vigilant! God knows what could’ve happened if he had written the whole 20 bucks off of her receipt and let her leave with the product?! Anarchy, that’s what.

In all seriousness, this woman is fucking fearless. She would not

Fuck moral outrage, I’ll play. Lets do this

I know that if I didn’t do it I would have never been able to live with myself.

When will Esports not be a garbage fire? I can’t remember reading a positive news story about anybody involved in this crap

Some pharaoh that wanted people of the future to revere him as a giant among men and it worked, because here we are.

I feel that headline is applicable to pretty much every disaster

This is not a far cry from Gervais’ view of the subject.  I really wish people would stop praising Ricky for being some kind of leftist hero just because he’s an atheist.  It’s the same transphobic bullshit

Well that sure spoiled the surprise, thanks.

God help all the black kids playing Pokemon Go in that neighborhood

oh fuck

I regretted not getting into tumblr but yeah, it’s on the same boat as 4chan these days. Just another virtual insane asylum.

I don’t see a problem here.  The “straight equality” is a bit much but civil partnerships should be open to anyone 

I though bisexual was more common but frowned upon because it labels sex and gender as binary.  What if I’m attracted to cis and trans women but not cis and trans men? It all hurts my head

“I’m ____ and I identify as a honky

Honest to god I don’t know if I’m supposed to say black or African American. Just like American Indian or Native American. Or Bisexual and pansexual

I’m just trying not to be a dick to people.  I wish we could start wearing nametags

Went to UWW and people there were still saying “colored”

I didn’t stay very long

Never understood the “Bury your gays” trope. It’s cheap bait for an emotional response that wasn’t earned.

Still better than a Philosophy degree

Good old hypocrisy.