
Congratulations to McGowan. She’s earned every right to celebrate today. She fought hard and would not let her voice go unheared. She gave strength to so many other voices and took the brunt of the toxicity for them. Today is her day

And yet the majority is STILL. STILL trying to write ALL 8 women off claiming they’re doing this for fame and fortune

I as the deniers out there: How many times do you need to get pantsed before you put on a fucking belt? You don’t get to write this off anymore. These women are not hitting some perceived witch hunt

I’ve got a sinking feeling that if this was about a female character, Megan’s take would be completely different.

I am in a crotchety old man mood today, but tell that first kid to put on a shirt! He’s online and there’s too many emboldened freaks out there

“He’s in charge so it’s ok” is like the number one most dangerous messages kids encounter these days. Also, a kid isn’t going to know why the judge is doing it to assign it any context. I don’t even know why they do it and I’m fucking 30!

THANK YOU! I thought I was going crazy for a second reading this article.

Seems like a valid edit to make. Kid’s are going to relate to the protagonist, dog or otherwise because that’s how imaginiation works. Lets not give them a conflicting message about people touching their genitals.

Especially with the current events in women’s gymnastics.

You don’t need super powers to throw a sucker punch. Though I doubt these women were suddenly the only people in the restaurant during those 10 minutes. They weren’t holding things up or disturbing anyone. Calling security was totally unnecessary 

I loved KH1. Then the series fell apart nearly immediately, at least story-wise. When you’re retconning the original one game later, your story is dead

Eh... it was ok

Well when they tell you the bathroom is for customers only, you’re really only left with one option

joke retracted. I’d like to bludgeon this guy

thank god. There are still some good people out there. Can this become the next national trend?

oh man, what if we all started pretending we wanted Pence to be president. You think they’d have a huge fight? That would be hilarious

Clicked expecting to see a list of links to just about every other esports article on kotaku

Bing Bang Theory sounds like a study based on Chandler’s sex habits

I got “CAT”. Did anybody else get Cat?

That’s it! I’m done. No more white people on TV. We clearly can’t handle it. Every single time a character isn’t white, we have to go through this stupid shitshow of idiots that somehow feel threatened that the huge majority went from 99.8 to 99.799999. I’m sick of it. From now on all shows must be cast entirely by

Poe’s law has completely destroyed my brain, and I can’t tell sarcasm from straight talk anymore. This article hurts my head

We sure that’s not just too many blows to the head?