
now lets see him beat ET

Do they have guns? I need to plan my post-apocalypse accordingly

After Pokemon Go Fest and the whole szechuan sauce thing I was kind of hoping marketing firms were going to abandon millennials. We’ve proven we can’t handle disappointment. These things always end badly

If it wasn’t a Marvel movie, it would’ve had an impact on me. I mean it’s just common sense that everybody is coming back, so it was hard to take it seriously. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed the movie, but the ending will feel pretty cheap next year when everybody poofs back into existence

THANK YOU Kirk! That stupid wheel and the realms of DLC possibilities has been haunting me since I got the game. I can finally sleep again

something tells me at least 5 of the others just don’t know it’s out there. There are lots of petty, garbage people out there

Ok, so during / after a breakup I tried to bring up the fact that I deleted all of our “special” pics, videos, whatever in a subtle, non-awkward way. Friends are always telling me this is still a creepy thing to bring up but I think it’s important as closure. Am I wrong on this? Should it be one of those unspoken

Fewer cliffhangers and unanswered questions would’ve been nice, but I think the game is a solid contender for GOTY

nailed it.

Sorry you had to go through all that. I don’t agree with your game metaphor (I think depression was the only thing that Patrick got right here) but I do agree that she needs to get out of there. No hobby should take precedence over somebody you love

Patrick, this advice is pretty gross. She shouldn’t have to put up with being treated like a burden. You don’t get to treat your partner like crap because you’re depressed or because of *eyeroll* adrenaline.

It’s on him to fix this. He’s depressed, but also an adult. He either has to try to overcome this or she has to

that’s not nearly as stupid as his comment.

because he’s also being an asshole about it. Even if your significant other gains weight (oooh noooo) you should still be a decent human being

THANK YOU! The whole reply was bullshit. His hobby does not get preferential treatment here. Hobbies are meant as a passtime, not a lifestyle. His priorities are garbage and he needs to grow up

both arguments are wrong. Pirating is the only way!

What if they just cancelled the Simpsons and we left it in the early 90's where it belongs. We can look back at it with the same “product of a different era” excuse we give the old bugs bunny cartoons.

30 years is too long for any show. Let it die

Can we build a monument to all the children that were raped by clergymen?

Good on them. The only people that will be upset over this are the people that fret that we’re becoming “too PC”. And those people suck anyways

take your star and go