I am not excited for SoC. Unless remake means tightening the controls it’s a pass for me. Playing the HD re-release on PS3 just reminded me how badly the game has aged
I am not excited for SoC. Unless remake means tightening the controls it’s a pass for me. Playing the HD re-release on PS3 just reminded me how badly the game has aged
Never been happier to be wrong! I’m stoked
if we do get an announcement it’ll be Mario Maker DX or something else I already own. Woe is the Nintendo fanboy!
25 minutes uuuuuuugh. I was hoping for some announcements. They’ll talk splatoon 2, arms and mario oddyssey and that’s probably it
Ignorance is bliss I guess. I miss the days where I could like something and quietly assume the person behind it wasn’t a nut job. Now it’s always “You like that guy? Did you hear his views on _____?”
he’s white, so it never matters what he says or does as long as he keeps shouting “free speech”
who else would pay for it?
So they hired an independent investigator and they didn’t find anything to back up her claims. Seems like an open-and-shut case. I’d fire her too
I found it more fun to sweep the keys off the edge and watching them fall into space
Fucking rad.
I suck at my job, but I don’t suck as bad as Donald Trump at his. Does that qualify?
Must not have been white, otherwise we’d be seeing the “boys will be boys” defense right about now
I love reading these Peanuts articles. They give so much life to characters I’d see only once or so a week in the paper or on Halloween and Christmas. So much so that I might go back and start from the beginning myself
There is no hope left. No matter what these disgusting excuses for human beings do their cult followers just cheer and somehow they outnumber us.
The soda that just shot out of my nose burns, so thanks for that
oops. Double post
Mario Kart 64 splitscreen is so grainy it’s not like they can tell if they’re even playing anyways
I miss when people had the common sense to just stop themselves before doing stupid things instead of just doing them and pushing out half-assed apologies afterwards.
Seriously, abbreviating “to” in an apology to “2" just shows how full of shit you are