
In a civilized society, you don’t hit people. In a civilized society you also don’t say terrible things to them to provoke a violent response. So what have we learned? Its that clearly we do not live in a civilized society. I don’t know about you but that’s a load off of my mind. Now I can stop expecting more from us!

Even if a program could gain some level of self awareness it would still lack the emotion to assign things like pain and death with any real meaning.

Home improvement was the exact same show set 20 years ago. The ratings suck now because sitcoms are on the way out (thank god)


I mean tumblr is going to be overrun with even more creepy fanart but it seems like the most lucrative step the creators could take.


oh please. Those twins were waaay too close and everybody knows it

I never learned how to cook because I’m a klutz and apt to lose fingers. I’m permitted to pit and scoop the avocado and for me that means a knife, a cutting board and a spoon

I’m just shocked the game didn’t crash at least once

I’ve asked this question before, but what do you put on your resume for the years you spent streaming? Do you leave that time blank and call it a personal project if you’re asked? Do you try to claim it as an entertainment venture? I think “I was big on youtube” sounds bad in just about any interview

depends on their work experience I guess, because Professional Streamer looks pretty bad on a resume

What would your dad say about this? I agree with him.


My friends only visit because I have the coolest toys, so it’s hard to tell the difference

Still love the 3D and nothing you can say will change my mind that it was a great feature. I take pride that my strong manly eyes could beat up your weak little baby headache causing eyes.

“This was in no way a joke about anything else.”

Please, they cut him off before he could make the hand gestures and gagging sounds.

The people that support this bill do not care about anyone but themselves. A hunger strike will make no difference to them

“We had no such advantages,”

Fuck Jenner and her hypocritical bullshit. I don’t care what she’s overcome, being a still a self serving piece of shit knows no gender.

She’s shown time and time again that she does not care about the LGBT community, nor anyone else. So no, no pat on the back for any stupid media craving crap she does

Sometimes I feel like we’re outnumbered by the willfully ignorant, but then I remember they’re probably just louder