
high five? Still not sure why you’re bragging about any of this

Sounds good to me. Maybe even have Twitch boot people at the 20 hour mark

Nap break? Good plan. No reason to kill yourself (literally) over a speed-run.

No seriously, JK! Why are you so upset? I’m only pretending to be a piece of shit. JK JK!

Getting the CWS alarm going off in my head. Probably just gas though

Remember Celebrity Deathmatch? These two vs Chip and Joanna!

Youtube is not a career plan, it’s a bubble. The market for lets plays and streams is high right now but it’s also vastly over-saturated. Once the fad fizzles out, or youtube pulls ad monetization, or copyright law extends to a nightmarish new level, the bubble will burst.

The climbing outfit makes me feel too granola. Hippy Link *shudder*

A great day for gamers everywhere! We refused to take Mad Catz accessories in as trades because of the shoddy quality.

You’re saying that wouldn’t improve this movie?

Anybody who watched the anime or read the manga should know that this was not going to do any of it justice. No American movie would

What a bitch.

Oooooh no you don’t! I’m not about to be screwed after spending an arm and a leg on everybody else’s wedding gifts just to have tradition become passe before its my turn!

Edit: It’s always married couples that suggest this too. It’s like, ok let me send you the bill for that KitchenAid then.

Uggggh leave Chloe alone shes Hit Girl! Shes way too awesome to put up with stalker shit

The best part of the shrines is that there is almost always more than one solution. Makes it more interesting to watch other people play

We need to find a way to harness whatever it is that keeps old white bigots alive. We could probably use it to replace fossil fuels

Mental gymnastics at their finest

I actually got 999 after Kotaku wrote up a review for VLR. I enjoyed it but I think 999 scratched the itch and the rest of the series does not interest me

If God doesn’t want women to have access to abortion, let him come down and say it. Anything short of that is bullshit