This is all I saw
This is all I saw
I was going to make a “probably too old” comment but it made me queasy
Shes too much of a “Nasty Woman” for him.
Who would’ve thought being openly racist would have consequences? Its almost getting to the point where you can’t make rash hateful generalizations about people with different color skin than you anymore! You PC bastards with your crazy notions of equality and basic human decency are ruining America
Thinkgeek stuff has really gone down hill in quality the last few years. I used to do most of my Christmas shopping there but the last few times I felt cheated by shoddy merchandise.
Thinkgeek stuff has really gone down hill in quality the last few years. I used to do most of my Christmas shopping…
Took three tries. You’re all so impatient
If you tailgate me at highway speeds, I’m already writing my apology to your family for the “accident” in my head.
WTF is this?! Is this licensed? Why would you want an anthropomorphic hedgehog as a mascot for beauty cream? What message are they trying to convey here? Who is their target audience? My brain is going to explode from the questions, the endless questions! GAAAAAAH
Ok, to everybody saying that this is why Trump is gunning for PBS, that’s ridiculous. He’s never watched Sesame Street in his life. If he had, he would’ve learned imporant things like “keep your hands to yourself” and “be a decent human being”
It got awkward with the Bulk and Skull revenge porn subplot
How old is this POS? I pray every day that I have some fucking dignity when I hit his age and don’t act like I’m in High School
Ughh I got the Oculus for myself and I’m too depressed to play it anymore. Now I know how all of the Vita owners feel
I want this video to go on for another 12 minutes with all of the alt right bullshit and just slowly fade to black
I liked Jon more than Dan. Jon made me laugh... Now rewatching it all is creepy, just like Mel Gibson’s early stuff
Welcome to America, land of the strange and troubling daily news story
That’s nothing new. We have a rule. She cooks, I clean.
I think people are worried about that
Does that mean I get to stay home on the weekends or do I still have to attend things like weddings or parties?
Ugh why not the Switch?! That’s a no-brainer!
I’m skipping this because it just looks bad, but I’ll pretend it’s moral outrage about white casting