
“They forget you've gotta win," said the Cleveland Browns quarterback.

Grievance 3: He never got the notice about the new helmet rules because it was sent to an old email address.

I love watching this disaster but also hate anything that makes a Steelers fan happy. I’m genuinely conflicted here. 

Fuckin hell, I’m a mediocre middle-aged white man, where do I get in on this shit?

Duuuurrrrr not a troll attempt says the cool 20 year old calling people slurs on every comment. Too much edge for all of us to handle!! The offensive words you use, got me all riled up, I can’t stand it!

boooooo bad troll attempt.  booooooo

Several people here don’t understand the concept of good ol’ AMERICAN sarcasm. Damn commies.


It aint about brains son, its about HEART

Except for the rape.

Dana White: This is absolutely disgusting and horrific. It’s not what the UFC is about and it’s not what I, as the President of this organization, am about. That man at the bar was rude and disrespectful. You wanna be a fucking pussy asshole at a bar, do it at fucking home. That guy is finished in the UFC. You’ll

Honestly the best bar stool sports content I’ve ever seen. 

Refusing a free shot of whiskey is the LEAST Irish thing ever.

When it was originally on the air I couldn’t stand her or Brian Austen Green, both as characters and actors. Lo and behold, who turned out to be the cringiest in real life?

Melanie is illiterate, how is that a news?

1/10 troll, no coherency, not clever, illegible.

Could be the cocaine!

Warren Zevon is turning over in his grave like a damn rotisserie chicken at that sample.

Remember the 2004 Super Bowl when Kid Rock wore a flag poncho? Not a poncho with a fabric print that looked like a flag, but an actual US flag with a hole cut through it and draped over his gross sweaty body.


Hair Club for Men Rock