
“He’s not fat, actually, now that he’s grown to a height of 7'3".”

Has anyone signed Cara Delevingne for the movie yet?

My favorite Meghan moment came on Real Time with guest Paul Begala. Talking about a political event she said she didn’t know about it because she wasn’t born yet. Begala came back with “I wasn’t alive during the French Revolution but I know about it.”

To me Ms. McCain is the textbook definition of white privilege.

She’s McCain in the membrane.

The real story is “Why do her makeup and wardrobe people hate her so much?”

“You know that maladjusted, self-satisfied, absentee parent we hired who hasn’t seen his kids for more than two days a month since he spends every waking hour berating his players for perceived lack of heart and failure to live up to his unreasonable expectations? I bet his kid learned a lot about football from him!”

Veruca Salt?

I like the religious people who say it is perfectly natural to be gay just as long as you never act on those desires. You know, just be horny and miserable forever, or try to force yourself into a heterosexual relationship and make someone else miserable, too!

You are welcome to attend, worship with us, and participate as a congregation member with the assurance that you are personally included and accepted within our community. But (this is where it gets vexing), can you take an active leadership role? No.”

“We luv you and Jezeus luvs you, too! It’s too bad you have to burn in a molten pit of Hell for all eternity. If only you would know...stop it. Ah well... have a blessed day, hun!”

So he doesn’t go to an anti-gay church, he just goes to a “hate the sin, love the sinner” type church when it comes to the gays? They don’t hate gays, they accept them and forgive them?

Yo, Rick Williams is the king of terrible puns and dad jokes.

I feel like Behar is the kind of New York gal that, from an early age, always has a knife (possible a switchblade) on her.

Republicans believe every challenge is a zero-sum game. The idea that in order for them to win, someone must lose. The idea of everyone winning or benefitting from the game is an anathema to their philosophy.

It’s disturbing, it looks like she’s wearing a John McCain mask that she added lipstick, earrings, fake eyelashes and way too much eye shadow.

Joy Behar would beat the shit out of Meghan in a bare-knuckle fight despite being 40 years older.

She looks like the petulant rich girl that never worked for anything in her life that she is.

“Ah McCain, the biggest hypocrite there is.”

Most republicans are exactly this right now. It isn’t about the country, or making things better for anyone in the long run, it’s about being angry that others are finally achieving some parity with them, and the mistaken belief that in order for them to succeed others (anyone not them) must fail, or be destroyed.

McCain looks like she’s squeezing out an especially choice fart in that header photo.