
we want players who care about the name on the front of the jersey more than the name on the back of the jersey

“Urban Legends” by Coach Meyer.

Oh huh... Is this the same Hiram de Fries who’s Mayor McCheese’s personal lawyer and fixer?

I’m a go ahead and throw this spicy take out there:  It’s not about the anthem and everybody knows it.

I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”

Thomas Markle is the wooooooorsssst. How long before he stops getting paid for his interviews and ceases to exist in gossip? I have dumpster fire parents too but at least I’m not famous. 

I love that the American Dream of one day getting rich is the brass ring that keeps most people voting like idiots against their own self-interest. One day they may need the tax break that the 1% get, and may be able to pay for private schools and private healthcare and be able to be “better” than the people that they

+1 promised Venmo payment that never arrives

+1 Infowars

I think it’s adorable that you don’t see how this is a classic false flag (false fan?) operation. This is an “Astros”fan”, but he’s in Colorado. Who is seated to his left? Colorado fans. To his right? Colorado fans. And lo and behold, who’s that directly in front of him? Crisis actor Gerardo Parra. Parra obviously

Elon Musk is basically Edison- someone who got ahead less on his own ingenuity and more on his sociopathic ability to steal work/ideas and take the credit.

He was soooo good at leaning on lockers though ...

Close, but both Elons are dumb and bad.

I’m not liking how carrying naloxone is being reported like it’s a bad thing. If you or your friends are at risk of overdosing (or just at all likely to be using heroin/opiates), then carrying naloxone and knowing how to use it is a great idea. I sometimes work at a clinic that provides drug users with free

Interesting non sequiter. Article is about a CEO and founder personally threatening journalists, and you somehow turned it to be nothing but click bait because it doesn’t talk about inventory. 

So that makes it okay for Musk to:

It is both uncanny and unnerving at how closely Musk is beginning to mirror Trump’s actions and bloviating.

But we may have just hit the apex of stupid.

See also: Toys R Us. 

I thought “poison pill” was some sort of Papa John’s pizza.