Clem, Cletus, Cousin Fucker Carl? Just tossing out some likely potentials.
Clem, Cletus, Cousin Fucker Carl? Just tossing out some likely potentials.
Yeah, but he was black; we were supposed to be worrying about him being black, which apparently is way worse than being blatantly evil in public.
Yeah, but like, just the Idris Elba shows.
Au contraire, I’m thinking not enough people have seen that.
Every day, friend.
Married his cousin, was schtupping his press secretary while married to his second wife - after telling the press he was returning to Gracie Mansion that Fathers Day to play ball with his son while he was literally fucking this woman in the basement of city hall - then divorced said second wife on television because…
Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?
I usually attach the email and write “see below”
Well in that case, as a flaming liberal socialist snowflake, I can think of nothing that would upset me more than trump supporters using their precious firearms to shoot off their own dicks. Yessiree, NOTHING would be more upsetting than that! I sure hope they don’t find out that is kryptonite for Liberals!
Trump and all his followers are just in it for the fight. There really is no end game. Just making trouble for the many people they hate.
That’s what it’s all about, right there.
The trump supporters are fucking creaming in their pants after his performance there. A tweet from James Wood said no matter what happens next his vote was worth it just because of this.
Its not just you, and I could see it being a problem, but since he is just being a drunken Russian bear and nobody seems to feel left out, I say we endorse it as good, and not bad.
Hey guys I know his lawyer says he doesn’t need a pardon but my coworker says “but it well wipe everything off even the charges so it’s still a good thing” and he works in sales so he would know.
The grossness of Trump selectively looking to pardon black people whom he can attach his name to and extract whatever measure of good will from black people cannot be understated. Justice reform shouldn’t be reduced to being known enough that you can get “King’s mercy” from Cheetolini.
I’m sure Trump learned of an outspoken proud black Muslim man and just assumed he had a criminal record.
Maybe Trump’s going to pardon him for being a Muslim. Or just for being black.