
how many times are we going to do this dance?

That’s the thing— NONE of those guys think they did anything wrong. Cosby doesn’t think of himself as a criminal. Sandusky still doesn’t think he’s a criminal.

Clinton didn’t ever apologize to Lewinsky directly, but that’s beside the point.

It really speaks to the need to destigmatize mental illness. Whether it’s situation depression or a chronic disgnosis, it’s part of the human condition and admitting that only makes it easier for others to talk about their experiences and realize they are not alone.

Saffo said she and Andy Spade tried to help Kate check into treatment centers, but that she never went because “the ‘image’ of her brand (happy-go-lucky Kate Spade) was more important for her to keep up. She was definitely worried about what people would say if they found out.”

Weddings are not religious once the state gets involved. NEXT!

Fox News is a disgrace to journalism. Who has to make up a lie to complain about Philadelphia?

You have no idea the levels of fuckery it takes to make me side with the Fucking Eagles, but by god, Donny Boy has done it.

The fact that the most powerful man in the world is so thin skinned (and utterly fucking stupid) is both maddening and terrifying... Also, fuck Fox News for carrying his water.

Sorry, Zach, but Fox News has repeatedly shown that they are not better than this.

Guys I’m starting to think maybe it’s not really about the anthem.

Look, Zach, the only way Fox is going to represent your religious expression is if you’re standing at full attention on the football field, refusing to give a gay fan a cake.

I think those conservatives are talking about a time when women were docile & “knew their place”.

Remember when he tried to hide behind increasingly wider headbands?

Perkins was trying to move out of the way as fast as he could.

No one at the press conference followed up with the obvious question: are they referring to Kenneth Branagh’s 1993 version or Joss Whedon’s artier 2012 production?

LeBron’s head is looking like a picture from a World Wildlife Fun pamphlet illustrating the devastating effects of deforestation.