
NO they wouldn’t. She’d be crucified across social media, doxxed, and people would be digging into her past to come up with dirt to shame and humiliate her. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but people rarely take the woman’s side. Ever, in anything. Himpathy is real. In this cases it isn’t even about Francis for a good

that is, a guy giving his wife a guitar, then the wife being awarded the guitar in the divorce settlement- there wouldn’t be any outcry at all.

What kind of shitbag monster do you have to be to refuse to give a woman her famous dead dad’s guitar???? idgaf if it was a gift or what the prenup said; that is fucking vile. Deport this fucker from the planet already.

I’m not sure which party of crazies hatched this plan but either way, it was devised over a giant pile of cocaine.

This guy is a malignant narcissist in a narcissistic rage. Do I believe him capable of making this shit up because he’d rather burn down the whole fucking city than feel butthurt over being dragged for keeping his wife’s heirloom? Hell, yes.

Given the characters involved, I’d put at a 51% chance this happened, and a 49% chance this guy is delusional.

I’m watching the game, that’s why the headline bothers me. Because it was clearly accidental.

The headline makes it seem like it was on purpose. I know you say it was accidental in the post but that kinda bothers me.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this dick ALSO went to Georgetown? Along with Mick Mulvaney and Steve Bannon? Hoya Suxa.

Eric Trump at a gala:

Not only handsomer in person than in pictures, Eric is tall, even taller than his father.

We are adults; we’ve developed a bit of an armor

Now if only someone will get to the bottom of why the NBA’s scandals are so much more enjoyable than any other sport’s.

For those who didn’t click through the Martha Hunt link, the final quote is “Yes. She invented the blood facial.”

I’m not sure whether to laugh or scream at Roseanne’s apology for what she said about Valerie Jarrett. Saying Valerie is the child of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes was not a fucking joke about her looks. It was an intentional invocation of the racist idea that black and brown folks are more ape than

Alcoholism is a disease. Racism is the plague.

If John Goodman joins Twitter just to post a “Bye Bitch” message, I will give him one more chance.

Well, at least Good Morning America (I know but my wife likes to watch it in the morning for some reason) won’t have to turn itself inside out trying to explain this crap away. Now they can adopt a fake French accent and claim to be “shocked, shocked!” that Rosanne is a racist conspiracy theorist nutball.

Good riddance to bad (racist, islamophobic, transphobic, Sandy-Hook-truther, #pizzagater) rubbish.

Fuckin’ GOOD!