Trigger warning for Cards fans:
Trigger warning for Cards fans:
The Post recently laid off a ton of people to generate better margins for the hedge fund that owns it, and then lost a lot of their sports staff to The Athletic. At this point, they’ve probably got Spider-Man in charge of editing their layout, and man, Spider-Man has crime to fight.
♪I was gonna find the right picture....... But then i got high
just how high was the guy who wrote that article?
It’s unfortunate that they laid off the folks capable of googling “Coors Field.”
Conor’s gonna tell Dana it was all fake and that he wanted to hype people up because he wants to take on the winner of Holloway/Kabib. Dana will be happy to get him back in the ring and the police will give him a slap on the wrist. Conor and the UFC will make millions in the next fight because of this.
Conor and a few others understood that part of the game already. But what we have here is “when keeping it fake goes wrong.”
It’s tough to blame Novak for not buying into the Agassi comeback approach. I mean, how would you react if your coach told you it was time to divorce your wife, do some meth, and start angling to break up the best player on the WTA’s marriage just so you could resurrect your tennis game?
Don’t jump down my throat, but...
Or hits her pinky toe on the corner of her dresser
“As you know, President Trump won the popular vote in all 50 states and his approval rating currently stands at 162%”
“Sarah, how recent is Mr. Trump’s erectile dysfunction? How often Melania complained about his performance? What about Ivanka?”
Seriously, we’d be so much better off if the entirety of the WH press corps was replaced by the Parkland kids.
Nobody in the goddamned room will challenge anything they say because they don’t want to be sent to their rooms like a pouty teenager.
Great job, CNN, just allowing her bald-faced lie to go unchallenged in your goddamn census tweet.
“We’ve addressed it, we’ve addressed it extensively and there’s nothing new to add to this conversation...NOW, let’s get back to talking about Benghazi!”
Gosh, I almost feel bad for he...hahahahahahaha... no.. no, she’s an awful person and I hope bad things happen to her.
It’s totally his fault.
Colbert has had a bunch of people on who shouldn’t be given that platform anymore, starting with Mel Gibson.