
Hair Color: BLACK

Based on the indictment, Belle is still racking up doubles.

Trump was a dem ... until America elected a black man and he lost his mind.

There’s some truth to this, but he’s always been an unrepentant racist.

Bill Maher did a bit this week about how “conservatives” like Andrew Breitbart, Dana Loesch, and Steve Bannon were all wannabe Hollywood stars who got rejected from the entertainment industry. So they were bitter and turned on liberals because Hollywood is run by liberals. Seems that Trump is doing the exact same

Trump was a dem ... until he wasn’t. Trump would be a dem again because he has no moral compass. Hey, I believe the left is the right side, but that’s not why he longs for their embrace. He wants and craves the validation of the cool kids he’s courted his whole life ... real New York rich people, celebs, and

And the investigation conveniently opened approximately three weeks after Bennett accused some police officers of threatening to blow his head off.

“the case is all based on the recollection of the officer.”

When did feminism start to mean you had to love every woman and never ever say “Gurl, what happened to your face?” without having to take a feminism purity test? Cuz I’m old as fuck and there’s plenty of women I don’t like. Can I still has feminism or is my card revoked?

I don’t give a shit if she got work done. She looks amazing and works hard for that figure, I’m sure. Get it, Britney. Get. It.

Chest pains, lack of sleep, “troubling symptoms”. That sounds like good old fashion crippling depression to me. A likely side effect of being literally stepped over and stepped on by superstars your entire life. Prescribed treatment is getting the fuck out of Cleveland.

The only thing that man loves is himself. And I mean it when I say ‘thing’.

I mean, hiring a guy accused of serious financial crimes to the Trump Campaign is pretty directly on-brand.

we’ll update with his condition, but it’s safe to assume he’s got a concussion at the very least.

Getting black out drunk, getting handsy, then saying you can’t recall doing that the next day is known as the “Teddy K. Trifecta” out on the Cape.

Haven’t you seen those propaganda videos? You’ll end up getting hungry and eating your children, a good ol’ “California Cheeseburger.”

Weren’t his “late to practice” incidents actually “drunk or high when he arrived at practice”?

“[Cuban] is a large male with large hands, making penetration without lubrication of the woman in the standing position virtually impossible.”

Becca: I want you to leave