Frank Underboob

He's got a point. Buh Delf literally created that account just to make that comment. Go click on his handle & you can see his comment history yourself.

He really did. Sad. Very sad.

Hm. This is the very first comment on a shiny new account, & it's whining about religion. Pretty sure I can see how this is going to go.

They probably haven't heard about this episode yet. Moreover, I'm betting that any whiny religious types who ever tuned into Preacher to hate-watch it ran off screaming sometime during Season 1, episode 1.

Donkeys! Why do commenters keep on saying 'horses' when it was donkeys?

No doubt. And it couldn't have been Judas, because Judas was minding the getaway donkeys at the time.

In charge of the "getaway donkeys"; which for mine, was the funniest bit of the episode.

Why do fat fucks always tell normal people to "eat a sandwich"?

You literally said that Lefty policies are as bad as alt-right policies. Alt-right - ie; Nazi - policies include white-supremacy, anti-antisemitism, anit-feminism, etc. Lefty - including Sanders' - policies don't, & any kind of comparison is not only a lie, but deeply offensive.

You are literally arguing that neo-nazis are better than Lefties.

I hate to defend Trump supporters

their policies are just as divisive to many people as the alt-right

Nearly as bad is that, no matter how bad the neighbourhood, stars never lock their cars when they get out.

It was certainly no worse than your average Marvel superhero flick.

Hey, don't forget John Carter!
(Which I actually didn't mind as a watch-it-once popcorn movie, but hey.)

Yeah, it'll be awful.

I don't have an AVC account, only a Discus account. How do I make sure that I get a Kinja account with this handle?

That's a lie. I've seen the driver's mugshot & a cap of him in the protest right next to another Nazi.

Damned if I know!