Frank Underboob

Good for you!

You know that the GOP & the Whitehouse are working on bigger & better voter suppression systems right now? 15 more seats for them is entirely plausible.

Wow. So you're this much of an ignorant dickhead when you're sober too? Damn, that must really suck for you & the people around you.
Oh, & this?

I didn't say it going to happen, I was saying that it needs to happen. :^/

Wanna bet? If you want to really scare yourself, go look up just how close the GOP is to achieving all of that. And you can be 100% that they have a giant wish list of Constitutional changes they'll be making the second they cross that threshold.

That's like describing a bag of cashews as "a little nutty".

You realise you already replied to that comment with a frothing -at-the-mouth rant an hour ago, yes?
Just how drunk are you?

The Clinton campaign invented the concept of "Bernie Bros" out of whole cloth* in the lead up to the '16 primaries as a way of demonising progressives opposed to Clinton's brand of Wall St , oil-industry friendly neo-liberalism as misogynist, racist, etc. The Russians/Alt-righters** jumped on that opportunity to split

Uh, that is nothing like the truth. Indy acts are not only benefiting from 'piracy' of their work, in terms of exposure, they're putting it up on YouTube to encourage people to share it; they make their money from gigs & merch, just like the big acts signed to big labels with blood sucking contracts that keep all the

Neither do I (Fellow Aussie) It sounds weird & amateurish.

You wife's name is Trevor? Kinky!

This is why so many people sign up to Netflix & torrent everything else.

After every shocking incident during the campaign, people were saying that there was no way he could be elected, & yet he was. So I wouldn't be so certain of that.

The US needs to do the same thing about the South that Germany did after WW2, which was to remove & outlaw Nazi statues, monuments, etc.

Nice job of blaming allies for the crimes of neo-Nazi terrorists. Especially the "Bernie bros" crack, seeing as about 5 minutes after the murder, the Twitter neo-Nazis had already started a fake-news meme claiming that the Nazi terrorist was actually a BernieBro, not one of them. So yeah, thanks for playing into their

Your phrasing didn't make that super clear. I'm glad that's not the case.

There is zero evidence that there is any significant biological factor that makes women less likely to prefer STEM fields. Unless of course you mean the non-gendered tendency to avoid environments where the person is likely to be bullied.

It's cute when you alt-righter types pretend to be all sciencey. You're like little kids dressing up in mommy or daddy's clothes.

Says the butthurt guy who's super angry at the concept of writers of fictional characters modelling their personalities & dynamics on those of real people:

I'm repeating this from my last comment, because apparently you suck as badly at reading as you do at science: