Frank Underboob

Dude. It's a TV show. And sure, it's Hitler, but it's also NOAH TAYLOR, goddammit, & he was already in Hell, & being nice to Arseface.
In real life, I'm 100% on Team Punch-A-Nazi.


Only when they're played by Noah Taylor, who's not only a great actor, but a local boy for me. Other than him, I'm all about the Nazi-punching.

Oh, that's a little harsh. What's with the hate on that particular subculture?

If I didn't enjoy upsetting religious pomposity, I probably wouldn't find Preacher nearly as entertaining as I do.

Oh please. You're arguing that Petula Dvorak is a biblical scholar? No. Just no.
In fact, we don't actually know for sure either way, but the claim that she was a sex-worker was extant a lot longer than this very recent claim that she wasn't:…
And don't even waste my time or yours arguing

Mary, maybe?

My cat should be getting paid more than Rob Schneider.

That's just a Catholic doctrine, I think.

Like the modern language, I think her being married was just another part of the whole "fuck with the fundies" motivation behind that subplot. Let's not forget the Seth Rogan is driving this show; the same guy who made Sausage Party.

You mean apart from beating the crap out of the only person in Hell to help him?

Rubbish. There is no solid evidence for any of your assertions.

I would've settled for Trump.

IK,R? I cracked up at that.

No idea about the cake though.

Nope. Judas was minding the getaway donkeys.
(And I can't tell you how much fun I'm having, repeating that phrase at every opportunity.)

I thought it was completely obvious that that's what they were doing.

An evil demigod touched her, touched her soul. That's a step up from all the shit she's seen previously.

[checks profile] Oh look! - Second shiny new account, created at the exact same time as the the first new troll's account. /s
Hi there Buh Delf #2, or whatever your real name is.