Frank Underboob

I had to stop watching when it got to the point where she was back under his influence, because it was just too upsetting.

I've watched all three seasons from start to finish, & didn't see anything that people haven't done in real life. The most they've pushed it was some fuckups by Hardy's in season 1, (the last arrest, letting Miller into the interview room), & season 2 (using Miller's house to stage the meeting between the couple).

Also a seriously evil character in Jessica Jones.

Bollocks = balls, so a bollocking refers to ripping someone's balls off.
A really good one might be "a right royal bollocking".

And now you guys know why I called it out last week. ;) It was an epic moment.

Yeah, I thought it was lazy too. Plus I was kind of glad to be rid of him.

Nice to know that somebody else does this because of the insane volume changes between dialog & score.


Yep, that's the one. ;)

Both of those descriptions fit many of the 'foods' on that blog.


Shit, I don't remember which one was Latimer.
[edit] Never mind, I looked him up. He's Danny's dad.
Well, I'm not going to spoiler it for others here, but I will say that I thought that worked out reasonably realistically, even if it wasn't dramatically satisfying.

No, you're right, that should've been "descendant of Christ".

Woohoo! That Starr arsehole's finally arrived, & made it intact, too. It's probably too much to hope for that his homicidal grammar-rant makes it into the show, but I'm going to hope for it anyway.

It's not so much that she sucks at her job, but that Hardy & Miller suck so badly at their jobs that they sank the case. (Although in their defence, the fact that that the perp was married to one of them was inevitably going to make the trial harder.)

Count me as another one who didn't think Series 2 was that bad. I particularly liked how they pointed out how many things done in the first series that made good television simply wouldn't hold up in court.

What I really liked about Season 2 is that it spat in the eyes of the usual dumbass cop show tropes, where cops break iron-clad rules & get away with it; in Season 2, the idiotic stuff that the cops do at the end of Season 1 - arresting Joe without another cop as witness, letting Miller see Joe after his arrest, etc -

Which character? (I've watched the entire season.)

The entire season is pretty horrifying, yes, so if you had trouble coping with the first episode, you should probably skip the rest.