Frank Underboob

It is indeed not uncommon for multiple arrests to occur, but of course this is TV, so it's highly exaggerated.

I figured. IME, when it's hard to find official stat's on governmental functions, it's because they're embarrassing; as with police shootings.
[ETA] If you're a public defender, that would certainly explain why you mostly see convictions, because the poor tend to be railroaded through the system; guilty unless proven

That seems very unlikely to me. Are you basing that on documented stat's, or on your personal experience as an attorney?

I can sympathise. This Australian still apologises to Americans & Brit's for inflicting Rupert Murdoch on both your countries.

My guess is that he's not as stupid as Trump, & suspects that that shit will eventually catch up with him

Didn't their "Photographer"/CEO get busted for doing that?

"Trump Youth" doesn't have quite the same ring to it, though.

Too soon?

Hm. Totally hypothetically; how hard would it be to infect Turnip with a bunch of insanely infectious diseases just as he starts his next set of stadium rallies?

I thought you were saying "beejays" for a second there, which was a bit concerning.

I always think of him as "Rancid Prius".

Did you enjoy their other activities as well?

* "Sorry if you were offended."
(The "you filthy commie faggot LIEbral!!!" at the end is silent.)

His dad could just declare war on the opposing law firm.

He's going to be screwed when the tape finally jams.

What, seriously?

You Seppos need to catch the fuck up with Season 3, because I'm itching to gossip about it. I'm just about to watch the finalé now.

Best line from Episode 6:
Miller delivers a truly impressive bollocking to an idiot who richly deserves it:
Hardy: "I might put you in charge of bollockings from now on, Miller"
Miller: "Fine by me."
