Frank Underboob

The entire, non-butchered-for-ads 3rd season is available online if you're willing to do it that way.

Constant guilt, feelings of inadequacy, etc, only phrased much better than that. Basically, all the usually parenting stresses, but more so.

BBCA seems to be trimming lots of important stuff from their edit of the show. Thing is that the show is info-dense enough that it can't afford any cuts.

Oh fuck off with your fake political correctness bullshit, kid. You're very very obviously a teenage boy who's trying to troll here. Piss off back to Reddit or the Chans where people might believe your bullshit.

why Joe pled not guilty in the first place. What, exactly, was he trying to prove?

Me too, & loved both of them. And now I have all of season 3 to binge next.

Okay, people aren't understanding how British courts work, & to some extent how courts work in general. Once the Defence knew that that financial transaction (Ellie paying off her sister) existed, that was enough; if it hadn't occurred, the Crown would've been able to accuse them of perjury, but they aren't allowed to

My son's older & more mature than you, boy.

Even as I was watching all that, I was mentally screaming at him: "You're going to fuck your case, you moron!"

But you aren't a man, you're just a boy. Not a very bright one either.

She plays quite a similar character, only as a spy-master instead of a copy in the excellent mini-series The Night Manager, which also stars Hugh Laurie, & Time Hiddleston:…

They're doing it by rote, out of duty. Of course it sucks.

They're fine if you're desperate enough, & are smoking something with a strong flavour. Ideally though, you use one of the miniature bibles that're printed on rice paper, not a full size one like the one in the show.

Use spoiler tags, mate! Most people here haven't read the comics.

I thought McConnell was made out of liquid metal?

It breaks the 4th wall to have an audio-book call Cheney a psycho killer, too, but it was still funny as hell. It's an over the top kind of story; it's more fun if you just roll with it.

Too bad it didn't kick in a little earlier, so he couldn't have come back in time to vote to steal other people's healthcare.

Yeah, that works for me as an excuse. Sure, it's kind of convenient, but worth it for the results.

OTOH, in the show, it's a proven fact that a soul is important enough that it can save someone from Alzheimer's, so it must have some kind of major importance to the original owner; & obviously the buyer isn't going to tip off the suckers as to what it might be.

Yes. Just as he & his fellow scum will celebrate the unnecessary tax-cuts they'll get from the many thousands of deaths that'll result from stealing people's healthcare.