Frank Underboob

He's stealing healthcare from the same people who're paying for his. Pretty sure it's not AV Club who're the bad guys here.

Indeed. They'll just keep showering him with love.

As the Saint said, it'd mean that part of Jesse's soul would be in hell too.

This is a dystopia we're talking about, isn't it? Who on earth would want to live in GoT?

I'm quite proud of myself for picking that one straight away.

Huh? It seemed correct to me. (Albeit that they didn't cover every last detail, as I recall.)

The bullet had to stop eventually; it was just artistic license that it ended up in the yogurt.

Just about everything in this episode is completely new, rather than from the comics.

That cracked me up too.


I particularly enjoyed the end of the talking book about psycho-murderers, where the narrator tells us that the next chapter is about Dick Cheney.

It seems overly clever to be true, but I'd love it if it does turn out to be God in the costume.

Okay, I phrased that badly & gave the wrong impression. I didn't mean that she had a history of characters like this - hell this is the first role I've seen her in - but that she's doing - IMO, obviously - a great job of carrying this take on the character.
ETA: As someone who has a bit of a thing for dark, petite

The philosophical & relationship stuff, mostly.

The writers really don't have much to work with with Tulip; in the comic she's a typical Heinlein-esque action chick with no real personality to speak of. Even the visuals for her are terrible; she's just this generic tall blonde who could've been cut & pasted from any random super hero comic. One of the things I

My take on it is that it's like Blade Runner vs Sheep, in that it's a completely different imagining of the original core themes & characters that nonetheless manages - at least so far in Preacher - to stay true to the stuff that matters most.

If you don't like stupidity, or evil, or violence, I can't imagine why you'd want to watch this show, because you aren't going to enjoy any of it. Personally, I love watching all those things; especially when it comes with lashings of blasphemy & perversion.

I'm not 100% with you on this, but you make some good points. OTOH, those ingredients were some of the things I wasn't a huge fan of in the comics, so I'm not unhappy about the show doing it differently.

I'll go even further & say that IMO, Ruth Nega suits Tulip way better than than that generic blonde babe from the comic. Definitely an improvement.