Frank Underboob

But is it? I haven't heard any arguments in favour of that claim.

My stance is that Media has helped keep Djinns/Genies alive in America, what with the Disneyfication of the Aladdin stories (also Bugs Bunny, now that I think of it), I Dream of Jeanie, etc.

The sad part is that I re-read it myself less than 6 months ago. :/
Anyway, we've certainly met Easter now. I have no fucking idea where they're going with Bilquis though.

I would watch the fuck out of that.

Me too. :(

Welp, I've just watched the S1 finale, & now I'm wondering if that scene is going to be in the show at all.

Thanks! I was going insane trying to remember those song lyrics.

I prefer I Can't Believe it's Not Jesus Christ on a Cracker. Gotta watch my weight.

It's explicitly stated in the episode that it was a deliberate takeover.

You don't need to spoiler that stuff, because it's explicit in the episode.

Huh? What culture doesn't have some kind of spring/fertility festival? This is is the first time I've heard someone argue that Passover is somehow a forebear of the Pagan festival, rather than just a parallel one.

There's lots of literature out there on how it all came about. The generally accepted TL;DR version is pretty much the same one that's described in the show. ie; the Christians meme-jacked existing pagan festivals because they couldn't convince the pagans to give them up. That's the process that Media (Gillian

Oh fuck off. Is there anything whinier than a Jeezoid?
On the unlikely possibility that that was a serious question, or if anyone is legitimately wondering the same thing, I'll provide a serious answer: That would be a 'no', because the show is about American Gods, ie; ones that have a serious presence in the USA. Like

Huh? Are you sure? I recall it being as I described. Perhaps I I'm misremembering.

It was by no means a great show, but sometimes I quite enjoy inconsequential fluff-balls like this one - kind of like Adam West's Batman, now that I think about it.

I don't have the faintest idea what rates either service charges.

Oh jeez, that's me screwed.

Very literally so. God orders his soldiers to rape conquered women.

So was Rolf Harris. (Probably a bad example for an American audience though, I guess.)

Like Whoopi Goldberg, for example. Remember her "It wasn't 'rape' rape" line?