Frank Underboob

Shit, I thought you /were/ him for a moment there! Good job.

Oh fuck off, you ignorant muppet.

What's your problem with her?

I do my best to fight the good fight against these fuckers shitting all over comment sections.

I remember that story!

Something very much like that happened to me one time. It wasn't lipstick, though.

Go ahead. I'll even provide the ammo.

But Kinja sucks! Why on earth would you switch from Disqus to it?

With Disqus, the host site (AVClub in this case) does the moderation, so anything they tolerate now will likely also be tolerated if they switch to another comment-system.
On the bright side, they've zapped some of the worst garbage comments on this article.

Exactly. Gods are their believers, therefore their names are what their believers' think they are.

And they didn't speak English, of course.

Yes, that was my point.

It's not originally an English name, so any of the variations is fine.

Oh for sure, & I didn't say otherwise. My point's just that he has no idea that he's the subject of the conversation, & that he's giving them ideas.

No, I'm watching an adaptation of a book that I really like that's playing on Starz, which is not a studio that I'm familiar with.

Wait, that was him? Holy fuck.

My guess would be that you're not the kind of person who likes depth in their entertainment.

Ah, thanks. I didn't know that.

True, but I'm not into men, so that's irrelevant to me anyway. ;)

Someone posted a translation further up in the comment section. It might take you a while to find it, but it's there. (Also, it's Irish Gaelic.)