Frank Underboob

But they still have to have that meeting at the hotel on neutral ground first.

Well, I can see why she wouldn't be. To her, *he's* an upstart New God.

Mind you, he's playing utter pricks in both roles.

Huh. I usually suck at spotting actors in new roles, but I cracked up when Porn-Stache appeared in AG.

Wait, he was on SVU? Who was he on that?

Yes. The sections have been shifted around enough now that the time mapping between the book & the show is very muddled.

There isn't a chance in hell that the war will happen this season. I can absolutely guarantee you that.

This is the kind of story that will reward re-watching. I've read the book several times, & I've found new things in it each time.

That is the right way to get the most from it.

Yes, the vignettes are the foundation of the whole thing. They're why the plot exists at all.

Yeah, it's a an ugly scene, & it happens right at the start of the book. It shows us how hard core the conflict is between the Old Gods & the New.

I'm hoping that we finally meet Ēostre before the end of the season.

I'm happy enough to entrust my soul into Death's care. I figure that the fact that I love cats has to be worth a few points in his ledger.

Yep! Back in the 90s, when their services were still free, I became a Pope under their auspices.

Why wouldn't they?

Scarab beetles were sacred in Egyptian mythology, so maybe you'd get to meet Anubis too!

This particular vignette was a long one in the book too.

The plot is just a structure to hang the vignettes upon.

Ah! Thank you!

Well that's a shame, because that was one of the roles that I hoped would be expanded for the TV adaptation.